Scholarship Search

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  • Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
  • Keyword(s) Search - Your school may assign a keyword to a scholarship. This option allows you to search that keyword field.
  • Description and Name Search - You can simply search the description or name of scholarships to see if they contain words that you might deem suitable (e.g. Biology).

Scholarships (311)

ACE Credit Union

39413, 43908

ACE (Area Community Educators) Credit Union has served contracted employees of Mason City Schools and North Iowa Area Community College since 1933. The Board of Directors created this term scholarship in 2004 to support their membership and families. Members of the Board include NIACC employees, Mason City Community School District employees and retirees from both institutions. This scholarship is awarded to a second year student.


Adams Family Foundation Scholarship

The Adams Family Foundation was established in 2006 by John R. Adams, a long-time resident of Nora Springs. Mr. Adams valued the importance of education particularly the academics. He believed that success in life could be greatly enahanced if one could demonstrate strong communication skills and a solid understanding of mathematics. The Adams Family Foundation scholarship is for graduating seniors who have been a resident within the boundries of the original Nora Springs Rock Falls distrcit for both their junior and senior years. This scholarship is renewable annually, up to a maximum of four years, provided the student maitains at least the grade point average required for graduation in their course of study. Grade point average to be determined by official transcripts.


Allen D. and Ann Y. Patton Scholarship


Ann Patton established this fund in 1990 in honor of their family’s strong belief in education. Born in Clear Lake, Allen was instrumental in building many North Iowa companies. In 1934, he began Kayenay Graphics, which provided engraving services for most area newspapers. In the 1950s and 1960s, six companies (including Metalcraft of Mason City) grew from Kayenay Graphics. This scholarship is awarded to full-time NIACC students.


Alma Partridge Education Scholarship

Sophomore, Education
43809, 39413, 43908

As a former teacher, Alma understood the importance of a quality education. Feeling compelled to make the opportunity available to young people today; she established this scholarship fund for NIACC sophomore students majoring in education. Among her many accomplishments in the field of education, she wrote the first program for Head Start in Mason City.


Angus MacNider Arts and Science Scholarship

GPA, Liberal Arts, Full-time
43801, 39413

Students of NIACC and its predecessor, Mason City Junior College, have benefited from contributions by the MacNider family as a memorial to their son and brother, Angus. This scholarship was instituted in 1954, the year following his death. This award is for a full-time arts and science student. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate citizenship and promise of worthwhile contributions to the community.


Angus MacNider Career Scholarship

GPA, Full-time,
38954, 38955, 43117, 43118, 43800, 43804, 43808, 39413

Students of NIACC and its predecessor, Mason City Junior College, have benefited from contributions by the MacNider family as a memorial to their son and brother, Angus. This scholarship was instituted in 1954, the year following his death. This award for a full-time career student. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrate citizenship and promise of worthwhile contributions to the community.


Ann Schinnow Mason Memorial Scholarship

Full-time, honors

Family and friends created this fund in August 2000 in memory of Ann Schinnow Mason. Ann’s son, Richard Schinnow, taught Communication Skills at the College for 14 years and helped organize the honors program and was the program’s first advisor. This scholarship is awarded to an Honors program student.


Anna Rusley Brown Nursing Scholarship

43118, 39413

Marvin Rusley was always grateful for the support of two special women in his life. He credited his successes to his wife Geneva and his aunt Anna. To honor his relationship with these two, he established the Geneva Rusley Secretarial Scholarship and the Anna Rusley Brown Nursing Scholarship through his estate. These are both endowed scholarships designed to support scholarships for students from Worth County.


Annette Watts Burton Nursing Scholarship

43118, 39413

When discussing estate planning with her attorney, Kathleen Watts of Clear Lake, Iowa, established the Annette Watts Burton Nursing Scholarship in memory of her sister. Kathleen grew up in Clear Lake and never had children of her own. Kathleen admired her older sister Annette and was very proud of her being a nurse. This led to the establishment of the scholarship in 2013.


Aristotle 'Tel' Pappajohn Scholarship

In 2021, Barbara Pappajohn and her children established the Aristotle 'Tel' Pappajohn Scholarship to honor the memory of their husband and father. Tel Pappajohn, a native Mason Citian and Mason City Junior College (NIACC's predecesor) alum, was a long time businessman. Tel had served on the NIACC Foundation Board of Directors and enjoyed time spent supporting his almamater. The Aristotle 'Tel' Pappajohn Scholarship is an endowed scholarship and will assist full-time NIACC students.


Arlene Baia Memorial Scholarship

Nursing, Full-time, fulltime, Iowa, Minnesota
43118, 43864, 43873

In 2005, the Arlene Baia Memorial Scholarship Fund was created by her daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Don Roeder to honor her mother’s dedication to NIACC and her love for educating nursing students. Mrs. Baia was a nursing instructor at NIACC from 1968 until 1979, and she chaired NIACC’s Health Division until her retirement in 1988. Mrs. Baia spent 37 years of her life in nursing education in Minnesota and Iowa. The lives of hundreds of nursing students were enriched through Mrs. Baia’s teaching and leadership. This annual scholarship is awarded to a second year NIACC Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) student from either Iowa or Minnesota. Nursing majors must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher.


Arnold and Pearl Woodiwiss Scholarship

In 2019, Pearl Woodiwiss endowed the Arnold and Pearl Woodiwiss Scholarship to assist full-time NIACC students.


Art and Rachelle Lundblad Scholarship

Wrestling, Full-Time
39413, 43172

Memorial contributions from family and friends of Art Lundblad, long-time instructor and coach at the College, were given to the Foundation at the time of his death. The athletic department awards this scholarship, named for Art and his wife Rachelle, to wrestlers.


Associated General Contractors of Iowa Scholarship

In 2022, the board of Associated General Contractors of Iowa Foundation funded a term scholarship in the foundation's name. The scholarship will assist students pursuing a degree in Diesel Technology. A preference will be given to students who have connection or wish to pursue a career in heavy equipment construction.


Automotive Service Excellence Scholarship

38954, 39413

The Automotive Service Excellence Scholarship was established when NIACC was named the 2001 national runner up for the prestigious ASE Automotive Award of Excellence. An annual scholarship will be awarded to a full-time sophomore in NIACC’s Automotive Service Technology program.


Barbara Bush Scholarship

43809, 39413, 43813, 43814, 43815, 43816, 43817, 43818, 43819, 43820, 43821, 43822, 43823, 43824, 43825, 43826, 43827, 43828, 43829, 43830, 43831, 43832, 43833, 43834

This scholarship was created following the former First Lady’s appearance at NIACC in 1995. Following her Auditorium presentation, nearly 250 North Iowans joined her at a VIP reception to support the establishment of this fund. This Ambassador Scholarship is intended for a NIACC graduate from North Iowa who is pursuing a career in education.


Becky K. McGee Memorial Scholarship

Nursing, Medical Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic Technology
43118, 43808, 39413

Becky Kathleen McGee was a skilled nurse during her military and civilian life, devoting much of her career to training intensive and coronary care nurses. She first encountered heart problems of her own while traveling the globe as a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, and she operated a heart rehabilitation facility before suffering an acute pulmonary attack at age 38. She died in 2002. As a way of saying thank you to NIACC nursing students who provided care for her at Good Shepherd Health Center in Mason City, she established this scholarship for students pursuing careers in nursing or other health-related occupations.


Bergland + Cram

Bergland + Cram, a Mason City architecture firm, established this scholarship to encourage students to enter their line of work. This award is available to full-time students majoring in Architecture, Art Visual/Graphic, Graphic Design or Interior Design. Preference is given to a NIACC graduate pursuing their studies at a four-year institution.


Bertha Stebens Instrumental Music Scholarship

Cerro Gordo, Instrumental Music, Full-Time
39413, 43152, 43837

Bertha Stebens spent her whole life teaching. Her legacy of education continues at NIACC through a scholarship fund created in 1995 by the Bertha Stebens Charitable Foundation. These scholarships are awarded to promising musicians who are residents of Cerro Gordo County.


Bertha Stebens Visual Art Scholarship

Full-time, Cerro Gordo, Visual Arts
39413, 43156, 43837

Bertha Stebens spent her whole life teaching. Her legacy of education continues at NIACC through a scholarship fund created in 1995 by the Bertha Stebens Charitable Foundation. These scholarships are awarded to promising artists, who are residents of Cerro Gordo County, through the Visual Arts Department.


Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship

Female, Newman Catholic, Mason City High School, Full-time
39413, 43812, 43824, 43826

During the Depression, Beta Sigma Phi was organized as a reading and culture club by a group of young women financially unable to attend college. Thus, over the years, the organization has placed primary emphasis on helping young women to obtain a post-high school education. The Beta Sigma Phi Council Scholarship is intended for a  female student, showing financial need and will alternate between Mason City High School and Newman Catholic High School graduates.



Betty Geer Admissions

Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School, Full-time
39413, 43824, 43826

Betty Geer loved her hometown and her college. She demonstrated her affection by leaving part of her estate to establish this scholarship fund in 2002. Applicants must be Mason City High School or Newman Catholic High School graduates. A Mason City native, Betty attended Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) and Cornell College. She followed NIACC’s progress throughout her life and felt it was important that every graduate of both Mason City high schools have the same opportunity she had in pursuing an advanced education close to home.


Betty Geer Scholarship

Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School
39413, 43824, 43826

Betty Geer loved her hometown and her college. She demonstrated her affection by leaving part of her estate to establish this scholarship fund in 2002. Applicants must be Mason City High School or Newman Catholic High School graduates. A Mason City native, Betty attended Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) and Cornell College. She followed NIACC’s progress throughout her life and felt it was important that every graduate of both Mason City high schools have the same opportunity she had in pursuing an advanced education close to home.


Bill and Rachael Gildner Scholarship

Accounting, Banking, Business, Marketing, Retial
38955, 43800, 43808, 39413

A firm belief that all young people are entitled to a “fair start” and a “quality education” inspired Bill and Rachael Gildner to establish a scholarship in 1992. Since the Gildner’s owned and operated Gildner’s Clothing Store in Mason City for nearly 50 years, the recipient must be a business student and especially a student expressing interest in retail business, fashion merchandising or marketing.


Bonnie Baia Memorial Scholarship

Iowa, Minnesota, Nursing
43118, 39413, 43864, 43873

The Baia Scholarship was originally created by Arlene Baia in memory of her daughter, Bonnie, a NIACC graduate, who passed away shortly after her graduation. When Arlene passed away in 2005, her daughter, Barbara Roeder, established a scholarship fund in her mother’s name and renamed the initial Baia scholarship fund in her sister’s name. Arlene was a nursing instructor at NIACC from 1968 until 1979, and she chaired NIACC’s Health Division until her retirement in 1988. Arlene said Bonnie always wanted to help people, and her desire to help others is fulfilled through this Ambassador Scholarship which is designated for a NIACC graduate who has been accepted for transfer to a four-year institution for a social science or nursing degree. Social science majors must have a GPA or 3.5 or higher; nursing majors must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher and must be licensed as an RN prior to receiving this scholarship. Recipients of this scholarship must be from Iowa or Minnesota.


Brad and Renee Davis Ag Scholarship

NIACC Alumnus and Gold-Eagle Cooperative General Manager, Brad Davis ’75 and his wife Renee established the Brad and Renee Davis Ag Scholarship which will assist full-time NIACC students studying in agricultural programs. Davis is also a past member of NIACC’s Ag Advisory Board. “My wife Renee and I decided that an ag scholarship was one way to give back. NIACC has always been a great option for students as it was when I attended. I found that it created a great path for me in my career.” shared Davis. “NIACC really helps to round out the knowledge base and provides important introductions to future employers.” said Davis.


Brandi Jane Pals Memorial Scholarship

Brandi Pals was very passionate about helping people and enjoyed her work as a Certified Nursing Assistant. After graduating from CAL Community School in 2018 she headed to NIACC to study social work and human resources. She always had a love for making a difference in the lives of others and would go out of her way to do so. In 2022, Brandi’s family endowed the Brandi Jane Pals Memorial Scholarship as a lasting tribute to her memory. Brandi passed away in January 2021, from injuries sustained in a car accident. This scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students who are recent graduates of Belmond-Klemme High School, Hampton-Dumont High School, or Clear Lake High School and majoring in nursing, social work, or human resources.


Business & Professional Women Scholarship

Iowa, Sophomore
39413, 43864, 43908

The Business & Professional Women established this scholarship to be awarded to a nontraditional student from Iowa who has completed at least one year in an institution of higher learning prior to June 2002.


C.L.A.S.S. Car Club Automotive Scholarship

Automotive, Clear Lake, Mason City, Ventura, Full-time
38954, 39413

The Clear Lake Auto Social Society (CLASS) established an annual scholarship to promote careers in the automotive service industry. This award is intended for students from Clear Lake who are enrolled in the second-year of the Automotive Service Technology program.


Carl and Carlynn Grupp Scholarship

Carlynn Grupp endowed a scholarship in the memory of her husband, Carl P. "Bud" Grupp. The Carl and Carlynn Grupp Scholarship will assist full time NIACC students majoring in a health related field.


Carol Adams Watson Memorial Scholarship

Sophomore, full-time, elementary education
43809, 39413, 43908

NIACC communications instructor Carol Adams Watson, who taught at the College from 1972 to 1997, established the Communication Skills Scholarship fund. It was partly funded by royalties from The Speaking Process, a speech textbook Watson wrote for the Communication Skills classes at NIACC. Upon Carol's passing in 2012, her husband Roger changed the name of the scholarship as a memorial to his late wife. Applicants must be second-year NIACC students with a minimum 3.0 GPA who plan a career in teaching, preferably in English, speech, or writing at the secondary or college level. Students who have been or who plan to be peer tutors in the Basic Writing classes or Student Learning Center receives preference.


Caroline O. Colson Memorial Scholarship

39413, 43162

The Caroline O. Colson estate established this endowed scholarship fund for basketball players.


Carolyn E. Christiansen Memorial Scholarship

Paul and Linda Hagen established the Carolyn E. Christensen Memorial Scholarship in memory of Linda's sister. Carolyn E. Christensen was a loving, kind, caring and thoughtful person who would help others without hesitation. Since childhood Carolyn had dreamt of being a nurse. After raising four children, and with all of them completing their postsecondary education, Carolyn attended and graduated from NIACC in '02. She achieved her goal and became a licensed practical nurse. The Carolyn E. Christensen Memorial Scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC student studying licensed practical nursing or the associate degree nursing program.


Carstensen Family Scholarship

NIACC Graduate, Education

Elvira Koski, the youngest of seven children, honored the memory of her sister, Edna Carstensen, and the Carstensen family by creating this endowed scholarship fund. A retired home economics teacher, Elvira says that education was very important to her family. This Ambassador Scholarship is to be awarded to students who are education majors planning to teach. If there are no qualified applicants, the award is unrestricted.


Cerro Gordo County Medical Society Scholarship

43118, 43808, 39413

In 1974, the Cerro Gordo County Medical Society transferred money to the NIACC Foundation to establish an endowed scholarship fund to be awarded to NIACC students enrolled in a health-related field/program.


Charles City Scholarship

Part-time, Floyd
39414, 43838

To assist Charles City residents in upgrading their job skills through education, the Charles City Scholarship Committee was formed and holds an annual fund-raiser to support this fund. Applicants must be from Floyd County and/or within 20 miles of Charles City who are at least 18 years of age and enrolled as part-time students (up to 11 semester hours) at the NIACC Charles City Center and/or NIACC’s main campus.


Charles H. Debban Scholarship

Elementary Education, Sophomore
43809, 39413, 43908

Charles H. Debban, who graduated from Mason City High School in 1939, spent most of his working life in the public school system, first as a teacher in the communities of Randall, Dunkerton and Ames, and later in Cedar Rapids as a teacher and principal. Charles was an avid hunter and fisherman who also loved to read and write poetry. He passed away in 2006. Charles graduated from Mason City Junior College (now NIACC) in 1942. He held a B.A. degree from Park College (now Park University) in Parkville, Mo., had an M.A. degree from Drake University and did postgraduate work at both the University of Iowa and the University of Colorado. His lifelong passion for education and teaching inspired this new scholarship opportunity in the hopes that more students will chose the education of others as a career. The scholarship is available to second year NIACC students who intend to become elementary school teachers.


Charles S. and Mildred M. Whitney Scholarship

39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844

Charles and Mildred Whitney established this scholarship in 1980. Charles served on the NIACC Foundation Board of Directors from 1968 to 1971. Scholarship applicants must be North Iowans with a strong academic record who would have great difficulty in attending college or continuing in college without financial assistance.


Charles W. and Mary Jane Maxon Memorial Scholarship


Charles and Mary Jane Maxon believed in the value of an education, and they wanted to help North Iowa students get a better start through higher education. Charles was an instructor in NIACC’s business division from 1965 through 1978. Mary Jane was also an educator; in addition, she was a talented watercolor painter, commercial artist and CPA. The scholarships are designated for full-time students with special consideration for students in agriculture-related programs.


Christopherson Medical Scholarship

43808, 39413

The Christopherson Medical Scholarship honors Dr. Joseph and Evelyn Christopherson, who served the medical needs of Mason City for over three and a half decades. Family, friends and associates initially endowed the Dr. J.E. Christopherson Memorial Scholarship Fund to encourage talented students from North Iowa to attend NIACC and study premedicine. The Cerro Gordo County Medical Society recently made a significant contribution to the fund. The scholarship is for medical students or pre-med students at any accredited public or private postsecondary educational institution (of pre-med applicants, preference is given to NIACC students).


Chuck Moeckly Healthcare Scholarship

In 2022 Charles "Chuck" Moeckly established an endowed scholarship to assist NIACC students studying nursing or healthcare programs. The Chuck Moeckly Healthcare Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students with a preference to those who are graduates of West Hancock High School.


Chuck Schafer Scholarship

In December of 2021, the NIACC Foundation honored Foundation Board member and NIACC alum, Chuck Schafer '77 for his years of service to the board and to NIACC. Chuck served six years.


Clayton Scholarship

full time Iowa

Longtime, Mason City educators, Dave and Carol Clayton believe education is the key to success. “No one can take education away from you and our hope through this scholarship, is to assist students by taking away financial barriers to achieving their educational goals,” the couple shared. Dave Clayton, a NIACC retiree, taught math at the College from 1987 to 1999. Carol Clayton, a Mason City Community Schools educator, taught math at John Adams Middle School for 25 years and was administrator at Roosevelt Middle School for 10 years retiring as principal in 2008. The Clayton Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students who are Iowa residents. 


Clifford H. Beem Memorial Scholarship

Iowa, Liberal Arts Degree
43801, 39413, 43864

Due to his love for education and belief that all students should receive an education, Clifford Beem established the Clifford H. Beem Memorial Fund in 1980. The resulting scholarships are designed for full-time arts and science students from Iowa who have financial need and an academic record showing their potential to succeed. Beem became Dean of Mason City Junior College in 1947. When Mason City Junior College became North Iowa Area Community College in 1966, Beem became the Director of Arts and Sciences. He retired in 1970 after 46 years in education.


Colin and Carol Robinson Scholarship

Charles City, Full-time
39413, 43817

Colin and Carol Robinson established this scholarship to benefit Charles City High School seniors choosing NIACC first. The Robinson’s have been very generous of their time and talents to NIACC. Colin is a former member of the College and Foundation Board of Directors.


Coloff Media (KLKK, KCHA, KSMA, KIOW) Scholarship

39413, 43813, 43814, 43815, 43816, 43817, 43818, 43819, 43820, 43821, 43822, 43823, 43824, 43825, 43826, 43827, 43828, 43829, 43830, 43831, 43832, 43833, 43834, 43835

Coloff Media is a locally owned and operated business committed to providing scholarships for students from their listening area. This annual scholarship is for full-time students from the Coloff Media listening area, including all of NIACC’s service area and adjacent counties in southern Minnesota. North Iowa Broadcasting stations include 98.7 Kiss Country, 103.7 The Fox, KIOW 107.3 FM, and KCHA 95.9 FM.


Communication 1 Network, Inc. Scholarship

43800, 43909, 39413

Communications 1 Network, Inc., a business that offers telephone, internet, cable television and wireless services to customers in Kanawha, Iowa and surrounding areas, has set up the Communications 1 Network, Inc. Scholarship, an annual scholarship fund to benefit local students. Recipients of the scholarship must be from Kanawha, Klemme, Corwith or Britt with overall preference given to students from Kanawha. Preference is also given to students enrolled in an Information Technology program. Communications 1 Network is excited to provide this opportunity to deserving local students who want to further their education at NIACC.


Concert Band Scholarship

Instrumental Music, Full-time
39413, 43152

A fund-raiser concert by the North Iowa Concert Band resulted in the creation of the Concert Band Scholarship for full-time students involved in instrumental music. “The purpose of the scholarship is to build the instrumental music program and increase student involvement in the band,” John Klemas, NIACC instrumental music instructor, said. The North Iowa Concert Band is composed of NIACC students and community members from North Iowa.


Contractor Advisory Association CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, the Contractor Advisory Association sponsored a CTE Scholarship for students studying Building Trades who signed their letter of intent fo attend NIACC.


Cornelio and Ninfa Monteon Memorial Scholarship

Ninfa Rodriquez Monteon was born in Mason City in October of 1929. She moved to Mexico with her family when she was in third grade. As an adult, Ninfa moved back to the United States and was united in marriage to Cornelio Monteon, As a talented seamstress Ninfa worked for Mode O' Day, she made her owns clothes and did alterations for anyone who needed it. She loved socializing with her family and friends. It seemed so appropriate through her estate planning she established a NIACC scholarship fund for the giver that she always was. The Cornelio and Ninfa Monteon Memorial Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students pursue their education.


CrimeStoppers of North Central Iowa

The Board of Directors of CrimeStoppers of North Central Iowa established an endowed scholarship through the NIACC Foundation in 2024. The CrimeStoppers of North Central Iowa Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students in the Criminal Justice program with a preference to students who plan to become law enforcement officers.


Curries Manufacturing Scholarship

Curries Division of AADG established this scholarship in 2019 to assist NIACC students studying IST.


Dale and Louise Swanson Scholarship

Bulter County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Wright County,
39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844

Louise Swanson established this scholarship in 2003. Louise, a former teacher in Mason City, feels strongly about local students receiving a higher education and the quality education that NIACC provides. Both of the Swanson’s daughters, Eileen and Janet, are NIACC graduates. Applicants must be a returning (not tech-prep or PSEO students) full-time student from the NIACC service area.


Dale E. Harmon Memorial Scholarship

Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School, English, Secondary Education, Full-Time
43801, 43809, 39413, 43824, 43826

This scholarship was established in memory of Dale Harmon by his wife Shirley and their children, Matthew and Shannon with the desire to help students further their education. Dale, a popular writing and literature teacher, both at Mason City High School and Newman Catholic High School had a special way of connecting with his colleagues and even more importantly with his numerous students. This scholarship is awarded to a Language Arts or Education major and will alternate between Mason City High School and Newman Catholic High School graduates.


Darrell V. and Judy K. Nielsen Agricultural Scholarship


Judy Nielsen established the Darrell V. and Judy K. Nielsen Agricultural Scholarship in 2014 because of Darrell’s lifelong love of farming and as a long lasting legacy to him. “Darrell worked on his parent’s farm during his youth, and then as an engineer for KGLO television for seventeen years, while farming part-time and raising a family. He worked tirelessly until he reached his goal of farming full-time for almost forty years.  He was highly regarded in our community, serving on many boards and committees” said Judy Nielsen. “I am so happy to be able to create this permanent legacy to support education, our community and our future by assisting students and their endeavors.”  Nielsen continued. Two $1,250  scholarships will assist full-time NIACC students who study in any agricultural related field. 


David and Jamey Moore Family Scholarship

Newman Catholic High School, Mortuary Science
39413, 43826

David and Jamey Moore established the David and Jamey Moore Scholarship in 2011.


David and Sandra Gobeli Endowed Scholarship

The David and Sandra Gobeli Endowed Scholarship benefits a student in the accounting area and commemorates Sandi’s 36 years of service to NIACC. Sandi retired from the position of Vice President for Administrative Services at the end of 2006.


David and Sandra Gobeli Scholarship

Accounting, Full-Time
38955, 39413

This term scholarship benefits a student in the accounting area and commemorates Sandi’s 36 years of service to NIACC. Sandi retired from the position of Vice President for Administrative Services at the end of 2006.


David G. and Jane Angelo Punke Scholarship

Clear Lake High School, Mason City High School
43118, 43804, 43808, 39413

The David G. and Jane Angelo Punke Scholarship was created in 2007 by Jane Punke, of Nevada, IA. Jane and her late husband, David, both attended Mason City Junior College. Jane wanted to provide opportunities for deserving students who may have financial difficulties without the help of scholarship assistance. This scholarship will be awarded on an alternating basis to a graduate of Clear Lake High School or Mason City High School majoring in agriculture or health care. To be eligible, students must have a grade point average between 2.0 and 3.0.


David Zrostlik Scholarship

In December 2021, the NIACC Foundation established the David Zrostlik Scholarship to honor his service to the NIACC Foundation Board and to NIACC. Dave served on the Foundation board for 9 years. 


Dean Stephens Memorial Scholarship

Climate Control
43117, 39413

Hundreds of students’ and faculty members’ lives were enriched through the teaching and friendship of Dean Stephens. For nine years, Dean was the second-year instructor for NIACC’s Climate Control Technology program. He was also very active in college committees and programs. Dean was the chairperson of a special project to help provide scholarships for NIACC students. This project included the construction of an outdoor classroom/brick patio on campus. Dean passed away in 1999 at the age of 49. To honor his memory, this scholarship has been established for full-time NIACC students. Preference is given first to Climate Control students, then to career students, then to arts and science students.


Del and Mary Laudner Agriculture Scholarship

43804, 39413

Del and Mary Laudner established this endowed scholarship fund in 2008 in order to further the College’s Agriculture programs by assisting promising students as they reach for their goals. This scholarship benefits full-time students enrolled in one of the agriculture programs.


Delbert D. and Mary L. Laudner Scholarship

Delbert and Mary Laudner were big supporters of NIACC for a long time. They created the Del and Mary Laudner Agricultural Scholarship in 2008 and through their estate planning the Delbert D. and Mary L. Laudner Scholarship was established in 2015. 


Dellage Family Scholarship

Osage High School, Full-Time, Nursing
43118, 43808, 39413, 43830

The Dellage Family Scholarship was established in 2001 by Jean Dellage in memory of her husband, Wayne, and his mother, Alice. “My husband wanted to do something to help students from Osage and honor his mother’s work in Osage,” said Jean. This scholarship is designated for an Osage High School graduate enrolled in the nursing or medical field.


Delphine Suter Memorial Scholarship

43118, 39413

The Delphine Suter Memorial Scholarship was created by her five children to honor their mother following her death in June 2001. Delphine demonstrated a lifelong commitment of helping those in need first by working as a registered nurse at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for 21 years and later by volunteering in the hospital gift shop. The scholarship is designated for a nursing student who has shown financial need, with preference for a female basketball player.


Delta Kappa Gamma XI Chapter

Education, Butler County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County
43809, 39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910, 43908

This fund, established and funded yearly by Delta Kappa Gamma XI Chapter members, is awarded to a student who plans a career as a classroom teacher.


Derek Mauser C4 Scholarship

207131, 39413
Derek Mauser established the Derek Mauser C4 Scholarship in 2017 after he organized and held the first Classic Car Cruise & Concourse (C4) in Osage. Mauser wanted to help automotive students out with the proceeds of the event. Mauser shared, "I know tools are expensive and automotive students need to have them to get their degrees. I thought this event and offering a scholarship was a win-win for car enthusiasts and automotive students alike."


Dianna Arndt Weber, Elmo Arndt, and George Weber Memorial Scholarship

Diana Arndt Weber established the George Weber Memorial Scholarship in honor of her second husband, NIACC Business Instructor, George Weber when he passed away in 2007. Dianna made it a priority instead of giving Christmas gifts to her children and grandchildren, she made donations to the scholarship fund in their honor. Her goal was to endow the scholarship. Dianna passed away in 2020 and her three children, Victoria Arndt, Jodi Arndt, and Michael Arndt from her first marriage to Elmo Arndt, made sure to honor their mother's wish. The Diana Arndt Weber, Elmo Arndt, and George Weber Memorial Scholarship was established by changing the name and making contributions to the endowed level. This scholarship will assist non-traditional full or part-time NIACC students.


Dianne Paca Scholarship

elementary education

In 2024, Kenneth Paca established the Dianne Paca Scholarship in memory of his late wife. Dianne Paca was an educator. Dianne taught in Britt, Iowa until she chose to stay home and raise her three children. Dianne served on the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura school board from 1970 to 1980, one of only 11 women in the state serving on a school board at the time. She was appointed to the State Board of Education from 1980-1992. During this tenure she served as the Liaison to Community Colleges allowing her to work closely with a 15 community college presidents and their trustees. Dianne later served as a Hancock County Supervisor from 1995 until her retirement at the end of 2002. The Dianne Paca Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students of Area 2 (NIACC's service area), with preference to those who are pursuing an elementary education degree. 


Dick and Adriana Attleson Scholarship

part-time full-time Education

Adriana Attleson honored the memory of her husband Sjur "Dick" Attleson by starting the Dick and Adriana Attleson Scholarship in 2017. Dick Attleson enlisted in the Navy soon after graduating from high school and attended NIACC as a returning veteran. Adriana taught at NIACC from 1979 to 2010. Two of the Attleson children graduated from NIACC. Dick Attleson credited his NIACC instructors for helping him focus on his education and preparing for a career in teaching. Dick Attleson was a teacher, coach and counselor for Mason City middle schools for 32 years and was named Teach of the Year in 1982. The Dick and Adriana Attleson Scholarship will assist full-time or part-time, non-traditional NIACC students studying Education.


Dick and Jo Herbrechtsmeyer Scholarship

Bulter County, Floyd County, Mitchell County

The Herbrechtsmeyers of Charles City established this endowed scholarship in 2003 for a full-time NIACC student from Butler, Floyd or Mitchell counties. Preference is given to nontraditional students.


Dolly Hanna Memorial Scholarship

P.E.O. Chapter IW established a term scholarship as part of a bequest gift  from the Dolly Hanna Estate. Dolly Hanna was a long time member of the chapter and left money for her P.E.O. group to establish a scholarship. The Dolly Hanna Memorial Scholarship will assist a full-time female student studying in a career program.


Donald Barnes Memorial Scholarship

Penny Barnes and her children established the Donald Barnes Memorial Scholarship in October 2015.  Don Barnes was a strong supporter of NIACC students studying in the Physical Therapy Assistant program. “It seems only fitting to endow a scholarship in Don’s memory to assist PTA students,” shared Penny Barnes, Don’s wife. “Don spent his entire adult life in the physical therapy profession. He filled in as a clinical instructor for a NIACC instructor’s maternity leave.  He also mentored students in the PTA program at his own practice. Don always took a personal interest in the success of each student who worked with him. Don Barnes passed away in August 2015 and will be forever missed and loved by his family, friends, patients and the community. Donald Barnes Memorial Scholarship is an endowment that will assist 2nd year NIACC PTA students.


Donald K. DePrenger Memorial Scholarship

Sophomore, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
39413, 43908

Donna DePrenger established this fund in memory of her husband Donald DePrenger who taught chemistry at NIACC from 1965 to 1986. The scholarship is designated for a sophomore student pursuing a chemistry major or taking chemistry and majoring in another area of science.


Doris and Ralph Preuss Scholarship

Doris and Ralph Preuss were long time Mason City residents and owned Comfort Incorporated.


Dorothy Birch Scholarship

Dorothy Birch a long time NIACC supporter was honored by her son Bob Birch '76 for her passion to care for people. 


Dorothy Gordon Memorial Scholarship

43118, 43808, 39413, 39414

Dorothy Gordon’s children were so thankful for the wonderful care their mother received at Heritage Care Center in Mason City, they established the Dorothy Gordon Memorial Scholarship to encourage and assist students pursuing studies in health related fields. Dorothy Gordon was a very successful business woman and a long-time resident of the Mason City community. Dorothy strongly encouraged her Heritage caregivers to further their education.


Dr. Calvin H. Warne Memorial Scholarship

Nursing, Physical Therapist, Radiologic Technology
43118, 43808, 39413

Dr. Calvin H. Warne was an optometrist in Mason City for 35 years. He passed away in 1992, just three years following his retirement. His family decided to supplement memorial gift funds to form this permanent endowment. Preference is given to students majoring in Pre-Optometry; if there are no qualified applicants, the award is made to a student in a health related program. This award can be used for tuition and/or books.


Dr. Carroll O. Adams and Velma I. Adams Scholarship


In 1998, Velma Adams created this scholarship fund for NIACC students with a minimum 3.0 GPA who have demonstrated good citizenship and show a commitment to community service. Dr. Carroll Adams, a long-time doctor in Mason City, and Velma Adams both provided leadership in community activities throughout their lives in Mason City.


Dr. David Pierce Memorial Scholarship

Maureen Pierce started the Dr. David Pierce Memorial Scholarship in 2014.  Dr. Pierce was President of North Iowa Community College from 1970 to 1981.  Dr. Pierce also served as President  of the Illinois Community College Board, Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System and President of the American Association of Community Colleges.  Dr. Pierce worked tirelessly to raise national awareness of the contributions and the unique role of community colleges. Colleagues of Dr. Pierce through the years have described him as smart, decisive, purposeful, fair and completely ethical.


Dr. John B. and Mary Jane Dixon Scholarship


The Dixons created this endowed scholarship fund in 2000 to assist full-time NIACC students. Mary Jane was a social worker for several nursing homes in Mason City, and Dr. Dixon worked as an ophthalmologist. He retired in 1997 after practicing ophthalmology for 50 years – 40 of them in Mason City.


Dr. Martha Ann Thomson Barclay Scholarship

History, Journalism, Art, Music
43801, 43909, 39413

Dr. Martha Ann Thomson Barclay established this scholarship in 2000 for a full-time freshman student majoring in humanities or fine arts. “I had a few students whom I thought were wonderful hard workers who weren’t considered for many of the top scholarships,” said Barclay, who retired from NIACC after 25 years of teaching. “This scholarship awards dedicated students who are dedicated workers regardless of what their grade card says.” Besides being in education, Barclay was also a professional speaker and an entertainer in both radio and television.


Dr. Russell Schurtz Memorial Scholarship

In 2016, the family of former NIACC Foundation Board member, Dr. Russell Schurtz endowed a scholarship in his memory. Dr. Schurtz was a long-time Mason City physician. The Dr. Russell Schurtz Memorial Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students.


Earl Ashland Ambassador Scholarship

Honors, Bulter County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County
43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

Earl Ashland was an innovative entrepreneur who served as president and general manager of the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company (CL Tel) for over 30 years after running a chain of grocery stores throughout North Iowa. His wife, Esther Woodford Ashland, to honor her husband’s memory and to continue his lifelong support of education, created the Earl Ashland Memorial Fund. The scholarships are given annually to three successful full-time students from Area 2: one in the sophomore Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program, one in the Information Technology program and one in the Honors program.


Earl Ashland IST Scholarship

Bulter County, Cerro Gordo, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County.
43800, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

Earl Ashland was an innovative entrepreneur who served as president and general manager of the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company (CL Tel) for over 30 years after running a chain of grocery stores throughout North Iowa. His wife, Esther Woodford Ashland, to honor her husband’s memory and to continue his lifelong support of education, created the Earl Ashland Memorial Fund. The scholarships are given annually to three successful full-time students from Area 2: one in the sophomore Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program, one in the Information Technology program and one in the Honors program.


Earl Ashland Nursing Scholarship

Nursing, Butler County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County.
43118, 39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

Earl Ashland was an innovative entrepreneur who served as president and general manager of the Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company (CL Tel) for over 30 years after running a chain of grocery stores throughout North Iowa. His wife, Esther Woodford Ashland, to honor her husband’s memory and to continue his lifelong support of education, created the Earl Ashland Memorial Fund. The scholarships are given annually to three successful full-time students from Area 2: one in the sophomore Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program, one in the Information Technology program and one in the Honors program.


Edgar S. Gage Family Scholarship

Butler County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County
39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

The Edgar S. Gage Family Scholarship was established in 1977 by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gage for the purpose of lending financial assistance to worthy students. Edgar, as well as two of his sons, graduated from NIACC. Applicants must be from NIACC’s service area.


Ellen Anderson Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Ellen R. Anderson had a consumate passion for nursing and was a dedicated registered nurse at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for 36 years retiring in 1985. Despite many hardships and because of the generosity of others,  Ellen was able to graduate from Mason City St. Joseph's School of Nursing in 1941, so it her family knew it made perfect sense to honor their mother's memory with the Ellen Anderson Memorial Nursing Scholarship. Ellen's five daughters all attended NIACC or Mason City Junior College, with daughter Jane earning her associate degree in nursing in 1989. The Ellen Anderson Memorial Nursing Scholarship will assist a promising student studying in the NIACC nursing program.


Elmer and Gladys Wessels Endowed Scholarship

education bachelor's degree

Gladys Wessels utilized pre-planning through her attorney to establish the Elmer and Gladys Wessels Endowed Scholarship. Gladys Wessels passed away in July of 2018. Gladys Christians married Elmer Wessels in 1952 and lived in Klemme, Iowa. Gladys completed her teaching degree in 1968 after many summers of college. She taught rural school near Belmond, Kanawha Elementary and Klemme Community School district. The Elmer and Gladys Wessels Endowed Scholarship will assist NIACC graduates pursuing their bachelor's degree in either primary or secondary education.


Emily Majerczyk Memorial Scholarship

In 2021, NIACC alumna, Emily Majerczyk '21 moved to Iowa State to start her junior year studying to become a social engineer. Emily grew up in Clear Lake, where she was active in National Honor Society, Band, Marching Band, Pep Band, and Speech Club. Emily was a straight A student through all four years of high school and during her two years at NIACC. Emily was only at Iowa State two weeks and passed away after complications of open heart surgery. Emily's love for learning touched everyone she met. Two in particular, NIACC instructor, Kathy Rogotzke and long-time family friend, NIACC Human Resources Assistant, T.J. Hirv immediately asked how they could help to honor Emily. The Emily Majerczyk Memorial Scholarship was established and will assist NIACC students with a love for math who've overcome hardship or adversity. 


Esther C. Haase Memorial Scholarship

Instrumental Music, Music
39413, 43152

This scholarship was established in memory of Esther Haase and her deep love of music. The late Carl Haase, Esther’s husband, served on the NIACC Foundation Board of Directors from 1984 to 1996. This memorial scholarship provides an annual award for a full-time NIACC student with a significant interest in music. Preference is given to students majoring (or minoring) in music.


Esther L. Strickland Instrumental Music Scholarship

Music, Instrumental Music
39413, 43152

Esther L. Strickland established this scholarship in 1987 reflecting her lifelong interest in music. “If a young person has a special talent, it should be developed,” Strickland said. “I want young adults to have an education; education is essential.” Applicants must be music majors.


Esther L. Strickland Vocal Music Scholarship

Music, Vocal Music
39413, 43157

Esther L. Strickland established this scholarship in 1987 reflecting her lifelong interest in music. “If a young person has a special talent, it should be developed,” Strickland said. “I want young adults to have an education; education is essential.” Applicants must be music majors.


Esther Pagenhart Scholarship


Esther was a member of the first graduating class at Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) and a teacher in the Mason City Schools from 1928 to 1967. In 1989, a long-time friend of hers established this scholarship fund, which has been supplemented through Esther’s estate.


Evelyn Ruby Nursing Scholarship

43118, 39413

Evelyn Ruby, originally of Glenwood, Iowa, was the youngest of seven children. Coming from a lineage of teachers, Evelyn knew the importance of education; however, her passion was nursing. Her siblings helped pay her way through Nursing school at State University of Iowa (now University of Iowa). She graduated as an RN in 1936. After graduation, she married her college sweetheart, Warren Ruby. They moved to Mason City and embraced the community – where both would spend the rest of their lives. While most women of the era stayed at home, Evelyn made a career for herself. She worked in the Emergency Room of St Joseph Mercy Hospital (now Mercy Medical Center); she did private duty nursing for local families; and eventually worked her way up to Director of Public Health Nursing for the City of Mason City. Evelyn loved nursing and wanted everyone to enjoy their career as much as she loved hers. Through the Evelyn Ruby Nursing Scholarship, her daughter, Cheryl Paine, and granddaughter, Heather Paine, continue her legacy – a life-long love of learning and caring for others. The Evelyn Ruby Nursing Scholarship is available to full-time NIACC students working toward an ADN, with the intention of pursuing a BSN degree. Preference will be given to students planning to complete their BSN degree at the University of Iowa.


Fangman Memorial Scholarship

Art, Art Visual/Graphic
43909, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

At the request of family and friends of JoAnn Fangman and her daughter, Kathy, this scholarship fund was established in 1981. The scholarship is awarded to a fine arts major from NIACC’s service area with an academic record showing the potential to succeed.


Farm Credit Services of America

Sophomore, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming
39413, 43864, 43877, 43895, 43905, 43908

Farm Credit Services of America is committed to supporting youth and is proud to provide an annual scholarship for students pursuing a degree in agriculture. Eligible candidates must be a traditional (age 18-22) full-time sophomore student enrolled in agricultural coursework. In addition, candidates must possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Applicants must have permanent residence in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota or Wyoming. Preference is given to those who intend to return to the farm/ranch or a farm-related job in a rural community. Financial need will not be a consideration. If selected as the recipient, an acceptance letter indicating the student’s future plans would be appreciated.


First Citizens Bank Scholarship

Cal Community High School, Charles City High School, Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School, Osage Community High School, Clarion Goldfield High School, New Hampton High School
39413, 43814, 43817, 43824, 43826, 43830, 43835

The First Citizens Bank Scholarship was established as a way for the bank to give back to its banking communities. Scholarships are awarded to students planning to attend NIACC full-time who show financial need and live in communities where a First Citizens Bank is located. The following schools presently qualify: Charles City, CAL-Dows, Clarion-Goldfield, New Hampton, Newman Catholic, Mason City, and Osage. “These are students who will come back and live in our towns and we want to help provide a quality education,” said Chairman O. Jay Tomson.


Fisher Memorial Nursing Scholarship

The family of Jack Fisher established a one-time scholarship to be awarded to a second year NIACC nursing student. This scholarship honors the commitment and service many nurses provided to Jack over his lifetime. It also pays tribute to Jack's mother, Pearl Fisher, who was a long-time Mason City nurse.


Florence Liebl Memorial Scholarship


In 1982, the Florence Liebl estate established this fund in memory of Florence’s mother, Lillian. Florence Liebl was a member of the first graduating class of Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) in 1920.


Forty and Eight Scholarship

La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux, the French title for (The Society of Forty Men and Eight Horses), The Forty and Eight, as it is more commonly known, established an endowed scholarship with the NIACC Foundation in 2019. This phrase (The Society of Forty Men and Eight Horses) is derived from the rail cars used during World War I to transport troops to the Western front in France. Each car was supposed to have capacity of, predictably, 40 men and eight horses. The Forty and Eight is an organization of Legionnaires (World War II veterans) who distinguished themselves through service and were affiliated with the American Legion. Due to the aging population of the local north Iowa society, The Forty and Eight concluded its work and felt the The Forty and Eight Scholarship could continue on with their remaining society funds. This scholarship will assist NIACC nursing students studying full-time. 


Francis L. Zrostlik Manufacturing Technology Scholarship

As the founder of Iowa Mold Tooling Company and co-founder of Stellar Industries, Inc., Francis Zrostlik was a hands-on entrepreneur who not only had passion and drive to design innovative products, he also had the mechanical skills to fabricate and weld these designs himself. Francis’ family, chose to honor his memory through the Francis L. Zrostlik Manufacturing Technology Scholarship.  This endowed scholarship will assist students from the Hancock county area attending NIACC and majoring in Tool & Die and/or Welding. 4 scholarship awards will be made each year. Two to Garner Hayfield Ventura grads (1 new and 1 returning NIACC student) and two will be awarded to West Hancock grads (1 new and and 1 returning NIACC student).


Frank Hoffman Memorial Scholarship

43800, 39413

Dr. Hoffman’s family established this scholarship fund to honor his service to the College from 1957 to 1982. He came to Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) as an accounting instructor and retired as a NIACC vice president. His 34-year career in education included teaching, textbook writing, and college administration. Applicants must be enrolled in business.


Frank Schmitz Memorial Scholarship


Family and friends of the late Frank Schmitz, former partner of Wallace Holland Kastler and Schmitz (now WHKS) of Mason City, created this fund in his memory. A professional engineer with WHKS for 39 years, he served as president of the firm from 1985 until his death in 1994. Applicants of this Ambassador Scholarship must be pre-engineering NIACC students transferring to Iowa State University with a GPA of 2.75 or higher. Strong preference is given to civil engineering students; however, if there are no qualified civil engineering applicants, preference is given to mechanical, electrical or industrial engineering students.


Fred Humphrey Accounting Scholarship

38955, 43800
In 2017, longtime NIACC business instructor Fred Humphrey was honored by former students and friends through the establishment of the Fred Humphrey Accounting Scholarship. Humphrey taught at NIACC over 30 years. He was honored with the Distinguished Teacher Award for 1995, presented by the University of Iowa.


Frederick J. Olson Memorial Scholarship

43804, 39413, 43908

The College established this scholarship fund to recognize the many contributions Frederick “Fritz” Olson made to the College. NIACC’s campus is built on land once owned by Mr. Olson. He donated some of the land and the College purchased the balance in the mid-1960s. Applicants must be sophomore students majoring in marketing, automotive technology or agriculture.


Garrity - Sandage Door Opener Scholarship

39413, 39414, 43812

Mason City native, Shirley Sandage devoted her adult life to helping women overcome obstacles and make it on their own.  In the 1970's Margaret Garrity and Shirley Sandage started the Door Opener, the forerunner to today's Crisis Intervention Center.  The Door Opener achieved national recognition for assisting women to become economically independent and free of welfare assistance.  Dorothy Sandage started the Garrity - Sandage Doopr Opener Scholarship in 2010, with a bequest upon her death be utilized to fund the scholarship.  This scholarship is awarded specifically to full or part-time NIACC woman who is separated, widowed or divorced and at least 40 years of age.


Gene and Pat Galasso Scholarship

Hospitality, Food Service

Gene and Pat Galasso established this scholarship in 2005 to benefit students in the Hospitality/Food Service Management Program. The couple owns and manages Ge-Jo’s by the Lake Italian Restaurant & Lounge. Pat currently serves on the NIACC Foundation Board of Directors.


Gene Christianson Scholarship

In December of 2023, the NIACC Foundation honored Foundation Board member, Eugene "Gene" Christianson for his years of service to the board and to NIACC. Gene served 10 years.


Gene Cole Memorial Scholarship

Mitchell County, Worth County
43804, 43842, 43844

Eugene “Gene” Cole, a long-time farmer from the Grafton area, always believed that agriculture was vital to the economy of North Iowa. He also had a deep appreciation for the quality education and services that NIACC provided to the region. Gene especially enjoyed attending NIACC Athletics and Performing Arts events. To honor his spirit of helping others, Gene’s children established this scholarship in their father’s memory. True to Gene’s personal life experience, this scholarship is designated for students majoring in agriculture-related fields from Worth or Mitchell county.


Geneva Rusley Secretarial Scholarship

43800, 39413

Marvin Rusley was always grateful for the support of two special women in his life. He credited his successes to his wife Geneva and his aunt Anna. To honor his relationship with these two, he established the Geneva Rusley Secretarial Scholarship and the Anna Rusley Brown Nursing Scholarship through his estate. These are both endowed scholarships designed to support scholarships for students from Worth County.


George and Noreen Coyan Memorial Scholarship

Non-Traditional student 23+ years

The family of George Coyan established this memorial fund in 1995 in honor of his 30+ years on the NIACC faculty. George was the former head of the NIACC Social Sciences Division and taught various social science classes before retiring in 1990. When Noreen Coyan, George's widow passed away in 2020, their children Candice, Greg, and Rodney changed the scholarship name to the George and Noreen Coyan Memorial Scholarship. Noreen taught numerous evening adult education classes at NIACC, and over her career held the positions of Assistant Director of Community Services, Assistant to the President, and retired as Director of Human Resources in 2002. The George and Noreen Coyan Memorial Scholarship will assist non-traditional students in any field of study.


George I. and Eunice A. Tice Scholarship

Nursing, Medical, Physical Therapist, Radiologic Technology
43118, 43808, 39413

Both George and Eunice attended Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor). After working for a time at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Tice practiced medicine in Mason City for more than 40 years. At the time of his death in 1989, Eunice decided to use memorial gifts as a nucleus for a scholarship fund to benefit students enrolled in a health-related field program.


Glen and Penny Krogh Scholarship

Butler County, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth, Wright
43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

The Glen and Penny Krogh Scholarship was established in 1997 to help support area students. “We wanted to pay back the community for many happy years,” Penny said. Glen, who passed away in 2000, was a dentist in Mason City from 1952 to 1985. Penny worked as his secretary after teaching school for many years. The endowed scholarship fund benefits full-time students from NIACC’s service area (with preference for Cerro Gordo County residents) with a 3.0+ GPA who demonstrate leadership ability and compassion for others.


Global Diversity Scholarship



Gold-Eagle Cooperative Endowed Agricultural Scholarship

In 2015 long time NIACC supporter, Gold-Eagle Cooperative endowed the Gold-Eagle Cooperative Agricultural Scholarship for full time NIACC students studying in an ag related field. 


Gordon and Johanna Anderson Scholarship

Osage School
39413, 43830

Gordon and Johanna Anderson wanted to give something back to Mason City Junior College (NIACC's predecessor), the place where they started their college education and, consequently, where they met. According to Gordon, "Education improves one's standard of living. The best way to invest in society is to invest in its young people, specifically to invest in their education." Gordon is a past director of the NIACC Foundation Board of Directors. This scholarship is awarded to students from Osage.


GROWMARK, INC. Scholarship

GROWMARK, INC., established this scholarship in 2015 as a way to assist students with an agriculturally focused major. Students studying in the area of agronomy, ag systems, ag communications, crop and soil science or ag diesel power are qualified and considered for this scholarship.  GROWMARK knows that students are their future employees and the next generation of their workforce.


Gus Brandt Endowed Scholarship

In 2024 Sally Anderson and Doug Kofoed members of the MCJC Class of 66 endowed a scholarship in honor of NIACC retiree, Gus Brandt.


Guy and Evelyn Zach Scholarship


Jim and Cindy Zach established this scholarship in 2013 to honor Jim's parents, Guy and Evelyn Zach. The scholarship is to be used to assist students to continue their education when they might otherwise not be able to afford it.


Hans C. Schroeder Memorial Scholarship

Industrial Systems Technology
43117, 39413

Hans Schroeder loved the outdoors and adventure. He loved snowboarding, skiing, riding his motorcycle, and hiking. In 2001 he found his professional calling in the wind turbine business. Hans was a site manager for Suzlon, a wind turbine company, and was known for his innovative ideas. At his site, Hans came up with 97 changes to the turbines, of which 92 were adopted company-wide. He was quickly promoted within the company. In 2010, Hans was involved in a motorcycle accident that took his life. His parents, Charlie and Kathy Schoeder, established this scholarship in 2011 to provide a boost to others like Hans, who schoose a life outdoors at the thrilling height of more than 230 feet. This scholarship is designated for a student in the wind turbine program.


Harriet Klath and Carol Klath Schmiedeskamp Memorial Scholarship

Liberal Arts
43801, 39413

In 1988, the family of Harriet Klath established a scholarship at NIACC in her memory. This fund was endowed in 1997 through gifts from her daughter Carol Klath Schmiedeskamp, son Norman Klath, and grandson Bill Schmiedeskamp. Klath’s children and grandson remember her words of encouragement “work up to your potential” – this is the opportunity her scholarship fund provides for NIACC students. Carol passed away in 2007, at which time the family decided to rename this scholarship in memory of both Harriet and Carol. This is an annual award for a student with a prebaccalaureate major who also has financial need.


Harrison Truck Centers Inc. CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, Harrison Truck Centers sponsored a Harrison Truck Centers Inc., CTE Scholarship for students studying Diesel Technology who signed their letter of intent fo attend NIACC.


Harry and Etta Christopoulos

With extensive thought and estate planning, Elaine Bennett of Mason City chose to establish the Harry and Etta Christopoulos Scholarship upon her death. This scholarship honors the memory of Elaine's parents. The Harry and Etta Christopoulos Scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC student with a GPA of 2.8 to 3.4 studying to be an educator. Two second year students will be awarded each year, one male and one female. 


Harsha and Darshini Jayawardena Scholarship


Harsha and Darshini Jayawardena established this term scholarship in 2012. They wanted to provide students with an opportunity to grow academically and create a foundation for success in later years. As a NIACC Foundation board member, Darshini has seen the impact that scholarships can have on student success. They plan to provide two scholarships annually to full-time NIACC students.


Hazel Simpson Scholarship

43118, 39413

Hazel Simpson lived quietly in rural Iowa her entire life before passing away in 1999 at age 94. Her generosity, however, lives on through this scholarship, which is for a NIACC student seeking certification as a registered nurse. Hazel was born in Latimer, attended school in Thornton and married James Simpson in 1938. The couple farmed in rural Thornton until 1950, when they sold their farm and moved to town.


Helen Hunt Scholarship

39413, 43812


Helen Perkins Thompson Scholarship


Helen Perkins Thompson grew up during the Depression, so she never had the opportunity to get a college education. In 1995, she established this endowed scholarship fund to help deserving students attend NIACC. Helen donated her entire estate to her scholarship fund to help future generations of students. She died in 1998 and at that time the Helen Perkins Thompson Scholarship became the NIACC Foundation’s largest endowed scholarship fund. Helen Perkins Thompson took great pride in knowing that her contributions would enable young people to pursue their goals.


Henry R. Giesman Memorial Scholarship

43118, 39413

In 1998, friends and family of the late Henry “Hank” Giesman created this fund in his memory. Hank taught biological science classes at the College for 29 years. Applicants must be second-year nursing students who have completed at least 27 hours at NIACC and show financial need.


Herbert D. Muhlenbruch Farm Worker Scholarship


The Herbert D. Muhlenbruch Farmworker Scholarship is a $500 award given in memory of Herbert D. Muhlenbruch, father of NIACC Agriculture Instructor Kevin Muhlenbruch.  Herbert was a lifelong Franklin County, Iowa dairy farmer.  The scholarship is given to a  current NIACC student in good academic standing that works at the NIACC Farm Lab.


Hermanson Scholarship

43118, 39413

A strong belief in the value of education led Everett and Beverly Hermanson to establish the Hermanson Scholarship in 1998. Everett and Beverly instilled the value of education in their three children, and all three became health care professionals after graduating from college. In memory of their daughter, Ann, the scholarship is designated for a second-year nursing student with financial need.


Hjalmer and Margaret Peterson Memorial Scholarship

Chemistry, Mathematics, Math

Hjalmer Peterson taught chemistry at Mason City Junior College and NIACC for 33 years. He established this scholarship fund in 1974, the same year he was named “Outstanding Chemistry Teacher of the Year” by the National Manufacturing Chemists Association. Applicants must be full-time arts and science or career students majoring in chemistry or math with an academic record showing the potential to succeed.


Holmlund Scholarship


Sisters, Linda and Marilyn Holmlund established the Holmlund Scholarship in 2015.  Both Linda and Marilyn graduated from NIACC.  The sisters agree that NIACC gave them a great start in their college studies and later in their careers.  The scholarship will assist a full-time female student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.


Ira Stinson Memorial Fund

43118, 39413

This scholarship fund was established in 1988 by the estate of Ira W. Stinson. Applicants must be Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) students with financial need.


Jack and Joyce Nielsen Scholarship

In 2015, NIACC Foundation Board member Jack Nielsen and his wife Joyce established the Jack and Joyce Nielsen Scholarship to assist full-time NIACC students.  This endowed scholarship will have a preference to a NIACC athlete and begin awarding the 2018-19 academic year.


Jack B. Easton Memorial Scholarship

The family of long time NIACC instructor Jack Easton funded this scholarship in his memory with memorial gifts upon his death in March 2015.  Jack Easton loved NIACC and believed the key to a happy and successful life was through receiving an education.  It was important to him to help others enjoy learning. He enjoyed teaching and helping students from all walks of life.


James and Betty Oleson Scholarship


James and Betty Oleson Scholarship


James and Betty Oleson Scholarship Mar 28 2017 10:57PM


James and Betty Oleson Scholarship


James Edwin Kingland Nursing Scholarship

Virginia Kingland and her children, Carolyn, David, Douglas, and Jennifer estabished the James Edwin Kingland Nursing Scholarship in memory of their father in 2021. James received quality care from many nurses while he was hospitalized and choosing to assist a NIACC nursing student seemed a perfect fit. The James Edwin Kingland Nursing Scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC first or second year nursing student.


Jamie T. Zanios Entrepreneurship Scholarship

business entrepreneurial career

When Jamie Zanios, NIACC's Vice President and Director of Insitutional Advancement and the Pappjohn Entrepreneurial Center retired in December of 2014, friends of the Zanios family contributed to form the Jamie T. Zanios Entrepreneurship Scholarship in his honor.  These scholarships will help career program students studying in the area of business or entrepreneurship who wants to own their own business.  If no career students identify, a traditional AA student who majors in business or entrepreneurship can be awarded. 


Jamie T. Zanios Scholarship

full time student

The NIACC Administration - President's Council awards this $500 scholarship in honor of Jamie Zanios' retirement from the college in 2014.


Janet Dean Memorial Scholarship

Female, Butler County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County
39413, 43812, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

This scholarship was established in 2011 by Louise Swanson in memory of her daughter Janet. Janet was a 1997 graduate of NIACC, after returning to school as an adult student. After a divorce she had a genuine desire to finish her education to give her a fresh start. This scholarship is reflective of Janet’s experience as it is restricted for full-time adult women (aged 23 or older) from Area 2 who demonstrate financial need.


Jay Fritz and Julie Fritz Agriculture Scholarship

The Fritz family has always had a front row seat to the happenings at NIACC with their family farm right across the road from the College. Jay and Julie Fritz grew up there along with their brother Jim, and parents, Jerry & Bonnie. Jay attended NIACC, graduating in 1994. He went on to study business and accounting at UNI. Julie graduated from NIACC’s nursing program in 1988. Jay and Julie’s brother Jim, farmed with their dad, Jerry until Jim’s sudden passing in 2011. At that time, Jay returned to his farming roots to farm with his dad. Jerry passed away in 2015 and since then Jay has been the steward of the family farm. Jay’s sister Julie is a school nurse for Mason City Public Schools. Jay and Julie established this scholarship at their alma mater to support agriculture students in the area while honoring their dad and brother’s legacy.


Jean Brumm Scholarship

In December of 2023, the NIACC Foundation honored Foundation Board member and NIACC alum, Jean Brumm '86 for her years of service to the board and to NIACC. Jean served nine years.


Jeanine C. Marsters Nursing Scholarship

Nursing, Mason City
43118, 39413

Jeanine Marsters was a Registered Nurse at Mercy Medical Center North Iowa in Mason City for 14 years and taught clinical nursing at NIACC. She passed away in 2011 after courageously fighting health issues for many years. To honor her love of nursing, Jeanine’s family created the Jeanine C. Marsters Nursing Scholarship. Jeanine’s husband, Jeffrey, her two children, Jennifer and Justin, along with many friends and family members helped endow this memorial scholarship. Jeanine, through her love of nursing, education and her unique teaching style, enriched the lives of hundreds of nurses at Mercy and countless nursing students at NIACC. She had an enduring positive attitude that provided hope and inspired all whom knew her, a contagious sense of humor, and a loving commitment to those around her, family or friend, fellow nurse or student. The Jeanine C. Marsters Nursing Scholarship will enable Jeanine to continue to inspire and provide hope to nurses of the future. This fund will provide scholarships annually for a second-year nursing student.


Jenny Buls-Vrba "Never Back Down" Memorial Scholarship

In the summer of 2024, NIACC Athletic Trainer, Mark Vrba established a scholarship to honor his late wife, Jenny. NIACC Alumna, Jennifer Buls-Vrba '04 had a love for fitness and being active, this came second only to the love for her family. She found ways to incorporate both passions as often as she could. While attending NIACC, Jenny was a member and starting point guard for the women’s basketball team. After NIACC Jenny was recruited and signed to play basketball at Waldorf University in Forest City, Iowa graduating with a bachelor's degree in Sport & Business Management.

Shortly after graduation, Jenny was hired as an assistant women’s basketball coach at NIACC. Jenny worked for many years at Mason City Clinic and served as Director of Purchasing Services at Mitchell County Regional Health before her passing. In her time outside of work Jenny competed in numerous road races and triathlons and embodied a “full throttle” attitude in all that she did.  Jenny’s legacy is one of perseverance, generosity, and devotion to others. The Jenny Buls-Vrba “Never Back Down” Memorial Scholarship honors her memory by supporting students who embody her values: a passion for athletics, a commitment to education, and a heart dedicated to family and community.  This scholarship will assist a member of the NIACC women's basketball team who is returning for her sophomore season.  Jenny’s favorite quote was “Never Back Down” which is something she applied in all aspects of her life. 


Jerry Dunbar Memorial Scholarship

In 2024, NIACC friend, Mark Tabor started the Jerry Dunbar Memorial Scholarship in memory of the man who helped him so much early in his life. Jerry Dunbar was a long time NIACC employee and served as Athletic Director. The Jerry Dunbar Memorial Scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC student living in the Residence Hall.


Jim and Sue Johnson Scholarship

actuarial science biology chemistry computer science engineering envrionmental science horticulture mathematics physics physical science

After enjoying an extremely fulfilling career in the aviation industry Jim Johnson and his wife Sue, established the Jim and Sue Johnson Scholarship. Johnson remembered his Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) experience, and the positive impact instructors had on him. Johnson graduated from NIACC, Iowa State University with a degree in Aerospace Engineering and MIT with an MBA. This scholarship will assist students who are studying in the math or science field.


Jo and Gus Brandt Scholarship


When his wife Jo passed away, NIACC retiree Gus Brandt wanted to do something to honor her memory and the excellent care she received in her last years. Gus’ diverse career at the College provided him with the insight to recognize the importance of scholarships for students. In the spring of 2011, he established the Jo and Gus Brandt Scholarship for students in the licensed practical nursing or associate degree nursing programs. Preference is given to students who are employed by Heritage Care Center in Mason City, where Jo was a resident.


Joe and Ruth Ann Loebach Industrial Systems Technology Scholarship

In 2024, Joe Loebach established two endowed scholarships the Joe and Ruth Ann Loebach Industrial Systems Technology Scholarship and the Ruth Ann Loebach Nursing Scholarship. Joe and Ruth Ann were very passionate about their fields of work. Joe was a farmer and electrician. Ruth Ann earned her nursing degree at Iowa Lakes Community College and also a degree in residential care management. The IST scholarship will assist NIACC students studying Industrial Systems Technology. A preference will be give to students who are parishioners from, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Bancroft, or St. Cecelia Catholic Church, Algona, or Divine Mercy St. Michael's Catholic Church, Whittemore. 


Joel and Joyce Hanes Scholarship


Joel and Joyce Hanes Endowment Fund was established in 1999 during the Keeping NIACC First campaign


Joel Picker Social Science Scholarship

Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
39413, 43908

This Ambassador Scholarship was created by long-time NIACC sociology instructor Joel Picker before his death in 1996. To be eligible, students must be a social science major, have completed 27 semester hours at NIACC, and be enrolled at a four-year institution as a social science major.


John and Barbara Burkart Scholarship

mathematics actuarial science calculus

In 2018, John and Barbara Burkart started the John and Barbara Burkart Scholarship to assist second year, Area 2 full-time NIACC students studying in Actuarial Science or Mathematics with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. John Burkart a 1965 graduate of Mason City Junior College NIACC's predecessor spent his career in healthcare analytics after receiving his bachelor's degree at the University of Iowa and his PhD through a fellowship at the University of Minnesota. Barbara his wife, is a retired as an administrator for Salt Lake Community College.


John and Donna Hitzhusen Scholarship

Charles City
39413, 43817

Dr. John and Donna Hitzhusen, long-time residents of Charles City, established this endowed scholarship in 1998 for NIACC students who reside in Charles City or Floyd County. John graduated from Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) in 1934 and went on to establish a dental practice in Charles City. He retired after practicing for over 50 years.


John and Mary Pappajohn Scholarship

Entrepreneurship Small Business Management Business

This scholarship was established by John and Mary Pappajohn to promote entrepreneurship.



John and Maxine Brinkman Health Career Scholarship

In 2022, the family of John and Maxine Brinkman established the John and Maxine Brinkman Health Career Scholarship. The scholarship is intended to recruit students to encourage them to seek a career as a medical assistant. 


John O. Starks Memorial Scholarship

Accounting, Sophmore
38955, 39413, 43908

The John O. Starks Memorial Scholarship Fund, designated for a second-year accounting student, was established to recognize John’s commitment to education and the accounting profession. He was a member of the NIACC Board of Directors from 1970-86, serving as Board President for much of that time.


John Oertel Women's Basketball Scholarship

This permanently endowed fund was established by former NIACC Women's Basketball athletes, NIACC alumna, friends and family of John Oertel. The scholarships will be awared by the head Women's Basketball coach to a full-time student based on talent, grades and financial need.


John R. Adams Academic Scholarship

The Adams Family Foundation was established in 2006 by John R. Adams, a long-time resident of Nora Springs. Mr. Adams valued the importance of education particularly the academics. He believed that success in life could be greatly enahanced if one could demonstrate strong communication skills and a solid understanding of mathematics. The John R. Adams Academic Scholarship emphasizes academic achievement and outstanding community invovlement. The applicant must have a cumulatitve 3.0 grade point average or higher and continue his/her education at an accredited education institution in Iowa. This scholarship is renewable annually, up to four years, provided the student maintains a 3.0 GPA of higher as verified by official transcripts.


John S. Rothamel Memorial Scholarship

Charles City High School, Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School, Northwood-Kensett High School
38955, 43800, 39413, 43817, 43824, 43826, 43829

John S. Rothamel, a 1948 graduate of Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor), taught in the College’s Business Department and also served as NIACC’s Director of Institutional Services, Dean of Instruction and Executive Dean. He retired in 1984. John’s son, John A. Rothamel, established this endowed scholarship fund in August 1999 to honor his father’s memory. Scholarships will be awarded to NIACC business majors who are graduates of Charles City High School, Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School or Northwood-Kensett High School.


Jon Lewerke Memorial Baseball Scholarship

Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School, Basebal
39413, 43161, 43824, 43826

Jon Lewerke had a passion for baseball. He was extremely involved in his sons’ baseball careers, both playing for Newman Catholic and then NIACC. After Jon’s passing in 2009, his family established this scholarship in his memory. It will be awarded to graduates of Newman Catholic or Mason City High School who plan to attend NIACC and participate in baseball. Jon made his career in the building trades field and founded Woodharbor Doors and Cabinetry with his brothers. Jon was generous with his time and served on the NIACC Foundation, the Newman Foundation and the Vi-Cor boards.


Julie Harris Hupp Business Scholarship

Julie Harris Hupp a 1981 NIACC graduate started the Julie Harris Hupp Business Scholarship because of her great experience at NIACC and one of her favorite NIACC instructors,accounting instructor, Fred Humphries.  Hupp has spent her career in the business arena as an analyst and internal auditor.  The Julie Harris Hupp Business Scholarship assists full-time NIACC students studying in the area of business.


Kaler Family Rugby Scholarship

NIACC alumnus Paul Kaler ' 92 and his wife Sarah started the Kaler Family Rugby Scholarship in 2015.  Paul, Sarah and their children, Leah and Jonah all enjoy playing rugby and are interested in growing the sport. For the Kalers rugby has provided lifelong relationships and opportunities to travel around the world.  As a NIACC graduate, Paul has an appreciation for the educational opportunities that NIACC provides for students who may not otherwise consider higher education.  Three scholarships are awarded each year and may be renewed for a second year if awarded student continues to meet scholarship criteria.


Karen Dole Scholarship

full-time education

In 2017, NIACC retiree, Karen Dole started the Karen Dole Scholarship to assist full-time NIACC students who are studying education.


Kary S. Paulson Scholarship

in 2024, Carol Paulson established the Kary S. Paulson Scholarship in memory of NIACC alum Kary Paulson '67. Kary was a life-long supporter of NIACC, serving on the NIACC Foundation Board for 9 years.


Kathleen Sonnesyn Memorial Scholarship

43118, 39413

In 1997, the Kathleen Sonnesyn Memorial Scholarship was created by family members to honor Kathleen’s dedication to NIACC and her love for nursing. Sonnesyn chaired NIACC’s nursing program from 1988 through 1997. She died at age 56 from a rare bone marrow disease. The lives of hundreds of NIACC nursing students were enriched through Kathleen’s teaching and leadership. This scholarship is designated for a second-year nursing student.


Kay Cavanaugh Maring Scholarship


Sponsored by the 10th district of the Iowa Nurses Association (INA), an annual scholarship is awarded to a student currently enrolled in the Nursing II or III curriculum of the NIACC Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program. Kay Cavanaugh Maring was a nurse in the community who, upon her death in 1995, requested that memorials be given to the Virginia Lawrence Scholarship fund. Kay served as director of nursing at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Mason City, county nurse of Cerro Gordo County, and staff nurse at Oakwood Care Center in Clear Lake. Recipients are selected by faculty based on scholarship criteria available.  In 2015 Kay Cavanaugh Maring's daughter Jane Gleeman renamed the scholarship in her mother's name as the fund had been depleted.  Gleeman started funding the scholarship at this time. 


Keith and Carrie Lindbloom SMG Scholarship

In 2022, Keith and Carrie Lindbloom established an endowed scholarship to assist NIACC students taking an IT class, titled the Keith and Carrie Lindbloom SMG Scholarship.


Kenneth A. Loeb Memorial Scholarship

39413, 43908

The Kenneth A. Loeb Memorial Scholarship was established by Kenneth’s father, John Loeb. Kenneth died as a result of a car accident while he was enrolled at NIACC during his sophomore year. Applicants must be sophomore students who may be unable to continue without financial assistance.


Kim Pang Scholarship

In December 2021, the NIACC Foundation established the Kim Pang Scholarship to honor his service to the NIACC Foundation Board and to NIACC. Kim served on the Foundation board for 9 years. 


Knoll Family Scholarship

NIACC alum, Jerry Knoll ’68 and his wife Barb learned quickly while they volunteered to read NIACC Foundation scholarship applications, just how much some students really struggle while trying to achieve their education. “There are some stories that just break your heart,” shared Jerry, “Barb and I knew we needed to help and endowing a scholarship was a way to do this.” The Knoll Family Scholarship was established in 2019 to help non-traditional students at least 23 years or older and studying either full-time or part-time.


Lake Auto Service CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, Lake Auto Service sponsored a  CTE Scholarship for students studying Automotive Technology who signed their letter of intent fo attend NIACC.


Lake Mills Scholarship

Lake Mills, Part-time
39414, 43823

Lake Mills community members created this scholarship fund to assist residents of Lake Mills in attending NIACC to further their education. Applicants must be residents of the Lake Mills School District who are at least 18 years old enrolling in 2-6 semester hours at the Lake Mills Community Education Center and/or NIACC’s main campus.


Landus Agricultural Scholarship

In 2022, Landus established a term scholarship to assist NIACC students studying in the majors of Agriculture, Ag Business, or Agronomy. Landus is a farmer-owned agricultural cooperative headquartered in Ames, Iowa. Landus employs 600 full-time employees at locations in more than 60 communities to serve its 7,000 farmer-owners.  Their unique capabilities include offering agronomy services, precision ag, field services, grain marketing, on-farm data optimization, sustainability, and animal nutrition. The company also manufacture a line of specialized feed for dairy cows, which is distributed globally.  At Landus, the team enjoys leaning into the future of agriculture and putting our farmers at the center of everything we do. The farmer-members of Landus are an integral part of a remarkable story, and it is our honor to service them from seed to sale, as well as provide them with the tools they need to see success on their operation year after year. 


Larry Pump Scholarship

In 2022, the NIACC Foundation honored NIACC alum, Larry Pump for his nine years service to the board. The Larry Pump Scholarship will assist a NIACC student who is full-time.


Laurie Shultz Scholarship

NIACC Foundation Board member, Laurie Shultz served for 3 years. In honor of her service to NIACC and the Foundation Board this scholarship was started in 2024 to assist full-time NIACC students.


Laverna Smedley Foundation Trust Scholarship

In 2022, First Citizens Bank as Trustee for the Laverna Smedley Foundation Trust established a term scholarship to assist NIACC healthcare students. Laverna's wish was to assist programs which offer respite care to caretakes of the seriously ill, disabled, or homebound. NIACC students will benefit from Laverna's estate planning of financial assistance for those studying licensed practical nursing, associate degree nursing, nurse aid, or medical assistant programs.


Leadership Scholarship

39413, 43813, 43814, 43816, 43817, 43818, 43819, 43820, 43821, 43822, 43823, 43824, 43825, 43826, 43827, 43828, 43829, 43830, 43831, 43832, 43833, 43834

Created in 1997, these scholarships are designed for students living outside NIACC’s service area who demonstrate leadership at their high school and have the potential of continuing their leadership development at NIACC. Students are recommended by their high school counselors and staff and must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Once enrolled at NIACC, the recipient will be required to be involved in one extracurricular activity at the College.


Leon and Naureen Heiman Memorial Scholarship

43118, 39413

The Leon and Naureen Heiman Memorial Scholarship was created by their six children to honor their parents’ strong encouragement of advanced education. Five of the six children graduated from Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) and completed at least two years of higher education. The scholarship is awarded each year to a student in the nursing program who has financial need.


Leon Christianson Scholarship

In December of 2023, the NIACC Foundation honored Foundation Board member and NIACC alum, Leon Christianson '77 for his years of service to the board and to NIACC. Leon served nine years.


Leonard Gobeli Memorial Scholarship

Nursing Building Trades Education
43117, 43118, 207133, 207139, 207151, 207159, 39413
Teresa Gobeli VanHorn '80 and Laura Gobeli '85, daughters of Leonard Gobeli '92 established a scholarship in their father's name in 2017. The Leonard Gobeli Memorial Scholarship will assist students in building trades, education and nursing. Teresa and Laura were both first generation NIACC students when they attended in the 80's. Leonard attended later in life at NIACC studying Building Trades graduating in 1992. VanHorn and Gobeli both know NIACC gave them a good start to very successful careers.


Lloyd and Georgetta Farrer Scholarship


The endowed scholarship was established in 2007 by the Farrer Endowment Foundation. These scholarship awards are unrestricted.


Loyal and Pearl Minor Memorial Scholarship

Pearl Minor originally established this scholarship fund in memory of her husband, Loyal, a former Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) instructor. After Pearl (who was also a MCJC instructor) died in 1984, their daughter chose to continue this scholarship fund. Applicants must be from the NIACC service area and enrolled in a prebaccalaureate program.


Ludie Wight Nursing Scholarship

43118, 39413

The Ludie Wight Nursing Scholarship was established in 2013 in memory of Ludie Wight.  This scholarship will be awarded to a full-time nursing major.


Lyndon T. and Richard T. Losee Scholarship

NIACC faculty member and alum, Kevin Losee '00 established the Lyndon T. and Richard T. Losee Scholarship to honor his father and grandfather in 2021. 


Mae D. Greene Memorial Scholarship

health nursing full-time part-time
43118, 43808, 39413, 39414

The Mae Green Memorial Scholarship was established in Mae's memory to recognize and assist students that take care of individuals who live in care centers. This scholarship will be given to employees of Heritage Care Center for any continuing education, medical training, certification or study.


Marie J. Schalekamp Memorial Scholarship

Liberal Arts
43801, 39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

For 20 years Marie Schalekamp influenced thousands of young people by leading the College’s English department. She wrote the textbooks used by freshman English and communication students at the College in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Applicants must be students from NIACC’s service area, enrolled in a liberal arts program leading to a bachelor’s degree and have an academic record showing the potential to succeed in college.


Mariestelle Brown Memorial Scholarship

career program

Mariestelle Brown was an instructor at North Iowa Area Community College for 36 years.  Her family and friends contributed to the Mariestelle Brown Memorial Scholarship to remember her love for the students that she taught.  This scholarship is awarded to a full-time, student in a career program who should have potential to be a good contributor to society.


Marilyn Brunsvold Memorial Scholarship

In 2021 retired NIACC faculty member, Dennis Brunsvold, established the Marilyn Brunsvold Memorial Scholarship to honor the memory of his wife. Marilyn Brunsvold graduated from the NIACC nursing program and was an extremely dedicated Registered Nurse (R.N.). She was employed for 30+ years at Mercy Medical Center, Mason  City, where she worked on various floors and also helped launch the Cancer Center. Marilyn was a caring, compassionate nurse who served as a mentor to many. The Marilyn Brunsvold Memorial Scholarship will assist NIACC nursing students with a preference to those who are members of Trinity Lutheran Church in Mason City.


Martin Marietta Scholarship

39413, 43117

In 1998, Martin Marietta Aggregates established a scholarship for students enrolled in the Building Trades or Industrial Technology area. Martin Marietta Aggregates has 20 locations and approximately 150 employees throughout North Iowa. The company quarries and crushes rock to be used as fill in roads or building foundations.


Mary Ann Eisenmann Scholarship

Mary Ann Eisenmann spent her life in the field of education as a kindergarten teacher.  Mary Ann graduated from Iowa State Teacher's College now UNI.  Mary Ann taught kindergarten in Fort Dodge, Garner, Charles City and Mason City for a total of 40 years. Mary Ann utilized estate planning and established the Mary Anne Eisenmann Scholarship for first or second year NIACC students who plan to obtain their bachelor's degree in elementary education. Mary Ann passed away in July of 2014 and the scholarship was established at that time.


Mary Furleigh Woerner Nursing Scholarship

43118, 39413

As a tribute to her volunteerism in the North Iowa community and years of service to NIACC as an instructor and tutor, Bob and Donna Furleigh honored Mary Furleigh Woerner with an endowed scholarship. Brother and sister, Bob and Mary grew up in the Clear Lake area. Mary is known on campus for her 22 years as an instructor with the nursing program. In her retirement she continues to enrich the lives of students as a tutor in the Student Learning Center. Many local organizations have benefitted from Mary’s volunteerism. This scholarship will be awarded each year to a worthy student enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program.


Mary Rozen Epsteen HVAC Scholarship


Mason City Chamber Agri Business Committee Scholarship

43804, 39413

The Mason City Chamber Agri Business Committee sponsors an annual scholarship for a student in Agricultural Technology.


Matthew Retz Memorial Scholarship


The Matthew Retz Memorial Scholarship was established to honor his memory in 2018. Matthew completed his EMT through West Fork High School in partnership with NIACC. He went on the graduate from DMACC as a paramedic. He served Northern Iowa counties through his work at Franklin General Hospital and AMR Ambulance in Charles City. Matthew passed away in August of 2018 and his co-workers and friends chose to honor his memory by providing a scholarship to a person pursuing a career in Emergency Medicine.


Maude Wilson Vocal Music Scholarship

Vocal Music, music
39413, 43157

Maude Elizabeth Wilson attended Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) in 1939. She was multi-talented and excelled in music, speech and drama. Her sister, Mary Wilson Laudner, and husband Delbert established this scholarship fund in 1997 in her memory. Applicants must demonstrate a talent in vocal music; preference is given to music majors.


MCJC Class of 1955 Scholarship

In 2024, members of the Mason City High School Class of 1953 and Mason City Junior College Class of 1955 (NIACC’s predecessor) endowed the Mason City Junior College Class of 1955 Scholarship to assist NIACC students. These alumni chose to set up the scholarship to offer encouragement to NIACC students who may have financial need.  


Mechanical Air Systems Company CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, Mechnical Air Systems Company sponsored a CTE Scholarship for students studying HVAC who signed their letter of intent to attend NIACC.


Melvin "Bud" Wilson Scholarship

43117, 39413

To honor a man who would have loved to share his interest in cars and engines with young people, the Melvin “Bud” Wilson Scholarship was established. Mary Wilson Laudner, Bud’s sister, and her husband, Delbert, created this scholarship in 2000 for students enrolled in the Automotive Service Technology program. Bud enlisted in the United States Navy in 1942. In 1946, he was discharged and returned to Mason City where he operated the Davis Radiator Shop. “Bud was always very interested in cars and engines and would have loved the opportunity to receive the advanced education available through the program that NIACC now offers,” Mary Laudner said.


MercyOne North Iowa Auxiliary

Nursing, Butler County, Cerro Gordo County, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchell County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County
43801, 39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

This scholarship fund, established by the MercyOne North Iowa Auxiliary, benefits NIACC nursing students who have successfully completed Nursing II and are in good standing in NIACC’s nursing program.


MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center

Medical, nursing, health-related
43118, 43808, 39413

MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center created this endowed scholarship fund in 2004. The scholarship is directed first for nurses and other medical programs.


Merle and Delores Kudej Scholarship


This endowed scholarship was established through a bequest from Delores Kudej. Delores, a Fort Dodge native, attended Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor). She and her husband Merle made their home on a farm near Kanawha. Delores was very interested in education and helping young people further their education. This $2,500 scholarship is for second-year students who have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher. Special consideration is given to students who demonstrate financial need.


Merlin Scholl Scholarship

Merlin Scholl spent 36 years as a dedicated educator. Mr. Scholl, a former high school principal and teacher also served as a guidance counselor in the Waterloo School District for 25 years, prior to retiring in 1987. Mr. Scholl was an avid reader, fisherman and coin collector. He loved to travel and also worked as an election poll official for 14 years during his retirement. Mr. Scholl was a gentle man who lived and enjoyed a very rich full life. As part of Merlin Scholl's estate planning, the Merlin Scholl Scholarship was established. This scholarship will assist students from Cerro Gordo County who attend NIACC full-time and have at least a 2.5 grade point average.


Metalcraft, Inc. CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, Metalcraft, Inc., sponsored a CTE Scholarship for students studying Industrial Systems Technology who signed their letter of intent fo attend NIACC.


Michael C. Morrison Scholarship


Dr. Michael C. Morrison began his tenure at NIACC in 1989 as the vice president of academic affairs. In 2001, Morrison was selected as President; the post he held until his retirement in 2008. A longtime friend of the College, Margaret MacNider, established this scholarship to honor Dr. Morrison's leadership and his commitment to NIACC and North Iowa. These $1,000 awards are unrestricted.


Michael R. Emerson Criminal Justice Scholarship

Criminal Justice, Sophomore
39413, 43908

George and Mary O’Donnell established the Michael R. Emerson Criminal Justice Scholarship in memory their long-time friend, Michael R. Emerson. This scholarship is designed for a returning Criminal Justice student, with a preference of a 3.0 cumulative GPA. “Michael was a friend to everyone…He served and protected the community for over 32 years a lieutenant with the Cedar Rapid Police Department,” said George. Mike, a 1968 NIACC graduate, served as a patrolman, firearms instructor, range officer, quartermaster and defensive tactics trainer. He also led the Special Problems and Negotiations Team and served on the Bomb Squad.


Mike and Robin Edgar Scholarship


The Edgars believe deeply in the educational mission of NIACC. Robin attended NIACC as a single parent and was able to complete her degree with a scholarship. She earned an associate’s degree from NIACC and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Buena Vista College (now Buena Vista University). Robin owns Edgar Financial Group in Mason City. Many community organizations have benefitted from her involvement, including the NIACC Foundation Board. Mike received his GED through NIACC. He is retired from Davis Manufacturing Company. The Edgars are committed to helping future generations of NIACC students complete their educations. The Mike and Robin Edgar Scholarship is available to full-time NIACC students.


Molly & Tommy Pang Scholarship

NIACC Foundation board member, Kim Pang and his wife Deborah started the Molly & Tommy Pang Scholarship for Kim's parents who've always advocated for "further education".  After attending several of the foundation's annual scholarship recognition luncheons the Pangs knew that without scholarships, going to college would not be an option for some students. This is a scholarship for full-time NIACC students with preference for international students.



Mrs. John (Mildred) McMenimen Men's Basketball Scholarship

Jack McMenimen created this scholarship fund in 1999 in memory of Jack’s mother, Mildred. Two annual basketball scholarships are awarded – one male, one female. Eligible student athletes must have graduated from a high school in NIACC’s service area or have a parent who graduated from NIACC. One of three McMenimen children to graduate from Mason City Junior College, Jack played on both the baseball and basketball teams. “In order to give back to the community that I took so much from, I thought it would be appropriate to honor my mother while enabling others to continue to receive benefits that in many ways can be traced back to her sacrifices,” Jack said.


Mrs. John (Mildred) McMenimen Women's Basketball Scholarship

Jack McMenimen created this scholarship fund in 1999 in memory of Jack’s mother, Mildred. Two annual basketball scholarships are awarded – one male, one female. Eligible student athletes must have graduated from a high school in NIACC’s service area or have a parent who graduated from NIACC. One of three McMenimen children to graduate from Mason City Junior College, Jack played on both the baseball and basketball teams. “In order to give back to the community that I took so much from, I thought it would be appropriate to honor my mother while enabling others to continue to receive benefits that in many ways can be traced back to her sacrifices,” Jack said.


Nagel-Rosenberg Memorial Scholarship

In 2023, NIACC alum Julee Nagel '74 established the Nagel-Rosenberg Memorial Scholarship is in memory of Jed Nagel (’81) and Dr. Dale Rosenberg whom Jed found to be an exceptional NIACC teacher, mentor, and later a good friend.  Dr. Dale Rosenberg is fondly remembered by Julee and her brother for teaching and inspiring his students toward personal growth and success through self-assessment of values and self-actualization of goals.  One term scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded annually to a senior graduating from West Fork Community School District or St. Ansgar Community School District.  The student must have U.S. citizenship, a cumulative high school GPA of at least 3.0, and have full-time enrollment in a degree program leading to an Associate degree preparatory to a bachelor’s degree at a four-year institution.


Nancy Jo Barkema Nursing Scholarship

In 2022, the family and friends of Nancy Barkema endowed a scholarship in her memory. The Nancy Jo Barkema Nursing Scholarship will assist a full-time student from North Iowa studying in the NIACC nursing program. A preference will be given to Belmond-Klemme students or those from Wright or Hancock counties. Barkema spent her career of 40 years as a registered nurse starting out at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas. After about nine months Iowa came calling and they moved back to a small acreage north of Belmond and eventually settled in Goodell. Barkema worked as a night nurse at the Belmond nursing home where she met some of the most cherished people in her life. She also worked for Wright County Public Health in Clarion and Mercy One in Mason City throughout her career. Barkema passed away in February 2022 after a four-year battle with cholangiocarcinoma.


Naomi and Thor Jensen Scholarship

Building Trades
43117, 39413

Mel Decker, a long-time Mason City resident now living in Arizona, decided to pay tribute to his sister and her late husband by naming a NIACC Foundation scholarship in their honor. Naomi and Thor Jensen were always very involved in Mason City and passionate about the town. Since Mel was in the construction business for 50 years, it is fitting that the scholarship is designated for a student in NIACC’s Building Trades program.


Neil and Lois Hungerford Scholarship

Neil Hungerford spent his adult life farming he was a very hard worker and very much an entrepreneur. Lois Thompto, Neil’s widow endowed a scholarship in 2021. Lois never had a chance to go to nursing school and she felt a gift of this scholarship would give someone a chance. The Neil and Lois Hungerford Scholarship will assist a NIACC nursing student who has financial need.


Neville Loehlein Memorial Stillbirth Awareness Scholarship

nursing full-time obstetrics and gynecology

NIACC alumna, Alicia (Allen) Loehlein ’02 and her husband Nick of Andover, Minnesota, established the Neville Loehlein Memorial Stillbirth Awareness Scholarship for their son who was stillborn in May of 2013. The Loehleins seek to do something about the alarming statistics of pregnancy loss and honoring the memory of baby Neville by encouraging research and education to work toward prevention. The Neville Loehlein Memorial Stillbirth Awareness Scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC nursing student with a preference to one who plans to work in obstetrics and gynecology.


NIACC Alumni Association Ambassador Scholarship

NIACC Graduate

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation.


NIACC Alumni Association Career Scholarship

Accounting, Agricultural, Nursing, Automotive, Building Trades, health
38955, 43117, 43118, 43800, 43804, 43808, 43909

To recognize graduating students and give opportunities to new students, the NIACC Alumni Association established a scholarship fund to provide four annual awards: Two for graduating students (Ambassador Scholarships) and two for first-year career students.


NIACC Ambassador

The generosity of an anonymous donor made the NIACC Ambassador Scholarship possible. The thought of helping a student achieve their educational dreams by furthering their education is what inspired this donor to create the scholarship. This ambassador award is designated to assist students graduating from NIACC who are pursuing a four-year degree.


NIACC Board of Directors Scholarship


This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Board of Directors.


NIACC Common Read Scholarship

Each year the NIACC Foundation awards one $500 scholarship to a full-time or part-time NIACC student as part of the NIACC Common Read.

For 2021-22 the scholarship will be titled the NIACC Common Read Scholarship of $500.


NIACC Employee Scholarship


These scholarships are made possible through regular contributions to the Foundation by NIACC employees.


NIACC Foundation Art Scholarship

Visual Arts
43909, 39413

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation. Scholarships available through the Art Department


NIACC Foundation Art Scholarship Mar 24 2015 3:28PM

Visual Arts
43909, 39413

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation. Scholarships available through the Art Department


NIACC Foundation Board of Directors Scholarship

The NIACC Foundation Board of Directors sponsors this annual scholarship.


NIACC Foundation CTE Scholarship

Building Trades Industrial Career CTE Tool & Die Industrial Systems Technology Heating and Cooling HVAC Agriculture

During national CTE signing day, NIACC  Industrial Division and NIACC Tool & Die Division sponsored 2 scholarships for $500 each. One award to a full-time Tool & Die student and one full-time Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance student for signing their letter of intent and attending the event.


NIACC Foundation Instrumental Music Scholarship

Instrumental Music
39413, 43152

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation. Scholarships available through the Instrumental Music department.


NIACC Foundation Public Radio Scholarship


This scholarship is This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation.


NIACC Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation. .


NIACC Foundation Scholarship (SNS)

The NIACC Foundation awards a variety of scholarship to new students each year. These scholarships are made available through the generosity of NIACC employees, board members, alumni, businesses, organizations and other friends of the College.


NIACC Foundation Tool & Die Scholarship

Tool & Die
43117, 39413

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation.


NIACC Foundation Vocal Music Scholarship

Vocal Music
39413, 43157

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation. Scholarships available through the Vocal Music Department.


NIACC IST Scholarship

The NIACC IST Scholarship was established in 2012, by Robert Franken. Bob, the Industrial System Technology electronics instructor at NIACC, saw a need to help IST students help achieve their educational dreams. He created this scholarship to benefit a second year NIACC student who is majoring in Industrial Systems Technology.


NIACC Life Long Learning Institute Scholarship


Friends of NIACC’s Lifelong Learning Institute established this annual scholarship to be awarded to a full-time NIACC student based on a combination of academics and financial need.


NIACC Overall Review

This scholarship lists all completed applicants who are full-time or part-time.


NIACC Retiree Scholarship

This scholarship is funded and sponsored by the NIACC Foundation.



The North Iowa Area Community College Education Association (NIACEA) awards two scholarships annually. Scholarships will be made to fulltime students who have completed at least 30 hours of credit with a minimum of 20 semester hours of credit at NIACC and at least 3.0 cumulative NIACC GPA.


Noreen H. Barkema Tuition Scholarship


As a long-time educator, Noreen H. Barkema understood the value of an education. Noreen taught in rural Hancock County, Klemme and Mason City throughout her career. Noreen passed away in November of 2005, leaving the NIACC Foundation $100,000 in her estate to establish Noreen H. Barkema Tuition Scholarship to be used for needy students. The FAFSA form is required to determine financial need. NIACC’s school code is 001877.


North Iowa Automotive Technology Scholarship

43117, 39413

Established in 1995 by interested area automotive businesses, the Elizabeth Muse Norris Charitable Foundation endowed this fund. Applicants must be NIACC students who have completed their first year in the Automotive Service Technology program.


North Iowa Cooperative CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, North Iowa Cooperative sponsored a CTE Scholarship for students studying Diesel Technology who signed their letter of intent fo attend NIACC.


North Iowa Vintage Auto Club

43117, 39413

Members of the North Iowa Vintage Auto Club established this award for individuals who love automobiles as much as they do. The scholarship benefits a second-year student with financial need, who is completing NIACC’s Automotive Service Technology program.


NSB Bank Scholarship

Mason City High School, Newman Catholic High School, Northwood-Kensett High School
38955, 43800, 39413, 43824, 43826, 43829

Kary Paulson (a 1967 NIACC graduate), Chairman of the Board of NSB Bank in Northwood and Mason City, established this scholarship in 1998 to assist NIACC students interested in entering a banking career upon graduation. NSB Bank was organized in 1933 and purchased by the Paulson family in 1954. The NSB Bank Scholarship is an annual award for a graduate of Northwood-Kensett, Mason City, Newman Catholic High School, Forest City, Algona High School, Bishop Garrigan High School, or North Iowa High School who is enrolled in a Business or Advanced Technology program at NIACC.


Nyhus Family Scholarship

In 2022, Gary and Sandi Nyhus established the Nyhus Family Scholarship to assist NIACC students.


Olive Jean Kubicek Ellis Memorial Scholarship

Full-time Part-time Renewal

In 2020 Bonnie Ellis Miller endowed a scholarship in the memory of her mother, Olive Jean Kubicek. Miller knew a scholarship for NIACC students was something that her mother would approve of since her mother had to leave high school before graduating and attended NIACC to receive her GED. The Olive Jean Kubicek Memorial Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students who need financial assitance to attend college.


P.E.O. Chapter GN Scholarship

The P.E.O. Chapter GN Scholarship was established in 2015 to assist part-time non-traditional female students at NIACC. 


P.E.O. Chapter IY Scholarship

part-time female

The PEO Chapter IY of Mason City, Iowa, is a philanthropic educational organization dedicated to supporting women in their educational goals. Through an annual scholarship the PEO IY Scholarship will assist a non-traditional part-time NIACC woman. Through this scholarship PEO IY hopes to help women reach their educational goals or lead to job advancement through a college degree.  


P.E.O. Chapters of Mason City Scholarship

The eight Mason City Chapters of P.E.O., a philanthropic educational organization for women, established a scholarship to assist a non-traditional, female student. P.E.O. was founded in 1869, placing it among the oldest women’s organizations in North America. Originally, P.E.O. began as a friendship society at Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.  P.E.O. has evolved into one of the largest nonsectarian, community-based organizations with nearly 6,000 chapters and almost a quarter million members.  P.E.O. supports six philanthropies that include ownership of Cottey College, and five programs that provider higher educational assistance through scholarships, grants and loans, all assisting women in furthering their education.



Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Growth Mindset Scholarship


In 2019 John and Mary Pappajohn gave $250,000 to reward students who demonstrate persistence, with an entrepreneurial and growth mindset. The scholarship will potentially assist students enrolled in NIACC's Strategies for Success who have good attendance and have completed class work which includes an essay, (their final project.)


Pat Sackville Scholarship

In December of 2023, the NIACC Foundation honored Foundation Board member, Pat Sackville for her years of service to the board and to NIACC. Pat served nine years.


Patrick Scherber Automotive Scholarship

Iowa, Minnesota, Automotive
43117, 39413, 43864, 43873

Connie Scherber created this scholarship in 2006 to honor the memory of her late husband, Patrick. Patrick’s family feels that this scholarship is a great tribute to his career in education and his love for cars. The scholarship is designated for an Automotive Service Technology student from the Area 2 or Southern Minnesota area who shows good work ethic and demonstrates the skills necessary to be gainfully employed in the Automotive Service industry. Preference is given to a non-traditional student.


Paul and Barbara MacGregor Scholarship


Paul and Barbara MacGregor want to help deserving area students continue their education. The MacGregors returned to North Iowa in 1985; Paul is an urologist and Barbara is an active volunteer. “NIACC enriches individuals, and individuals enrich the community,” said Barbara. “It is exciting to think what our communities would be like if everyone had the opportunity to continue their education.”


Paul and Clara Gustafson Memorial Scholarship

Butler County, Cerro Gordo, Floyd County, Franklin County, Hancock County, Mitchelle County, Winnebago County, Worth County, Wright County
39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

Paul and Clara Gustafson were long-time residents of Mason City and friends of education. As a memorial to her parents, Marion and her husband, Tony Wanat, established this fund in 1981 for NIACC students from the College’s service area who have completed at least one and preferably two semesters of study at NIACC and possess an academic record showing the potential to succeed.


PDK Harold Webb Scholarship

43809, 39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

A local chapter of Phi Delta Kappa established this scholarship in memory of Harold Webb, a former AEA Administrator. To honor Harold’s service to education these scholarships are restricted to students from Area 2 who are pursuing a degree in education.


Pete and Phyllis Pederson Family Scholarship

In 2021 the family of Pete and Phyllis Pederson established an endowed scholarship for NIACC students. The Pete and Phyllis Pederson Family Scholarship will assist students studying in Nursing, medical programs, and Building Trades. 


Polly Hedgecock Memorial Scholarship


As a memorial to her sister, Pauline (Polly) Hedgecock, Helen Yeager of Oklahoma established this fund in 1994. Hedgecock was a foreign language instructor at NIACC from 1955 to 1972. This is an unrestricted scholarship; however, preference is given to students interested in foreign languages.


Popp Family Memorial Scholarship

In 2021, Mason City Junior College (NIACC's predecessor) alum, LaMar Popp '51 established the Popp Family Memorial Scholarship while doing some estate planning. LaMar hopes to assist students through this legacy. He also honors his wife, Nancy Margot (Burt) Popp who passed away in October of 2020. LaMar said, "my desire is to give back to others in appreciation for the very high quality of education I received at MCJC." He continued, Exceptional teachers and broad base of education with a small class environment helped set the stage for my advanced education and assisted me in finding my career path of business success." The Popp Family Memorial Scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC student.


R.L. and Helen Currie Memorial Scholarship


This endowed scholarship fund was established through the estate of Helen Currie in order to help students for many years. R.L. and Helen both believed very strongly in higher education for everyone. The Curries supported the College and understood the benefits NIACC provides to the entire North Iowa region.


Randy Bonde Memorial Scholarship

Tool and Die Industrial

Randy Bonde loved his time as an instructor for the Tool and Die program at NIACC. He was dedicated and very invested in all of his students' lives which led to him being voted "Teacher of the Year" two times in his career. Randy lived life to the fullest with a passion for drag racing. Upon his passing in August of 2019, the Randy Bonde Memorial Scholarship was established. This endowed scholarship will assist a 2nd year NIACC student studying in the Tool and Die program.


Ray and Fran Randall Memorial Scholarship

Building Trades

Mason City Junior College alumnus, Ray Randall ’51 was a realtor, builder, and entrepreneur. Ray was a lifelong Mason Citian who loved where he grew up and wanted to make a difference. Ray and his wife Fran, raised their four boys in Mason City and each of their boys share the love of Mason City as well. The Randall boys (Scott, Marc, Tom, and Brian), knew a NIACC Foundation scholarship in honor of their parents was a great legacy to them. The Ray and Fran Randall Memorial Scholarship will assist students in the Building Trades program to purchase the tools they need for program success.


Residence Hall Scholarships

NIACC Housing

NIACC Residence Hall Scholarships are available for students who plan on living in or returning to the resident halls. Awards are competitive and based on academic ability and citizenship qualities.


River City Street Rods Scholarship

43117, 39413

The River City Street Rods Club established this annual scholarship to help students who are car enthusiasts to further their education. The scholarship is awarded to students in the second year of the automotive program who have a good work ethic and plan to make a career in the automotive industry.


Robert and Lois Bergland Scholarship


The Robert and Lois Bergland Scholarship was established in 2004 with funds from their estate to make awards to deserving students. Robert and Lois, graduates of Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor), valued their education at NIACC and were always proud to say they graduated from the College.


Robert D. Peterson Art Scholarship

Visual Art
39413, 43156, 43908

Robert (Bob) Peterson, a 1967 NIACC graduate has established two scholarships, one for the Fine Arts Program and one for the Industrial Technology Program. Bob credits NIACC instructors for the artist he is today because of their assistance and guidance. Recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and must demonstrate financial need.


Robert D. Peterson Industrial Scholarship

Robert (Bob) Peterson, a 1967 NIACC graduate has established two scholarships, one for the Fine Arts Program and one for the Industrial Technology Program. Bob credits NIACC instructors for the artist he is today because of their assistance and guidance. Recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and must demonstrate financial need.


Robert H. and Donna V. Furleigh Scholarship

38954, 39413
Robert and Donna Furleigh have been long time NIACC supporters and through their generosity have established the Robert H. and Donna V. Furleigh Scholarship to support second year NIACC students. The Furleighs know the need and importance of technically trained employees for the North Iowa economy and hope this scholarship will make a difference.


Robert H. and Mary Isensee Ambassador Scholarship

Agriculture, Business
43800, 43804, 39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

The Isensee legacy continues through this endowed scholarship fund established in 1980 by Robert and Mary Isensee. Mr. Isensee once said, “We all need further education, and local colleges are the best place to start.” Applicants must be area high school graduates planning to study computer science, economics, business administration or agricultural business.


Robert H. and Mary Isensee Scholarship

Agricultural, Business
43800, 43804, 39413, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

The Isensee legacy continues through this endowed scholarship fund established in 1980 by Robert and Mary Isensee. Mr. Isensee once said, “We all need further education, and local colleges are the best place to start.” Applicants must be area high school graduates planning to study computer science, economics, business administration or agricultural business.


Robert W.B. (Bob) Krieger Memorial Scholarship


Sandy Krieger established this scholarship in 2004 in memory of her late husband, Bob. In 1991, Bob formed TeamQuest Corp, a software development company. At the time of his death, Bob was serving as President and Chief Executive Officer of TeamQuest Corp. Bob founded TeamQuest Foundation, which was organized to assist non-profit entities in enhancing the use of technology in their daily operations. Recipients of this award must be enrolled full-time at either NIACC or Iowa State University (if ISU, the student must be a NIACC grad), have a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and major in pre-engineering/engineering.


Robinson-McGuire Scholarship

female athletics

Rachel (Robinson) McGuire ‘91, Director of Enrollment Services at NIACC, established the Robinson-McGuire Scholarship for a full-time female athlete in 2014.  McGuire has always felt so appreciative for the opportunities and experiences she had as a student athlete.  “If it weren’t for athletics, I probably would not have attended college.  Coming to NIACC and being successful on and off the court and diamond really opened my eyes.  I realized I was capable of earning higher degrees and being a leader. My hope is that other young women will have the same opportunity through this scholarship,  to play sports in college and become a leader in their profession.” McGuire also credited the mentoring she received when she first started working for NIACC in 1993.  “There were so many people who were willing to mentor me as a young professional.  I still think of them, almost daily, and wonder how they might go about solving an issue.  I can’t express my gratitude enough to those individuals. I wanted to provide this scholarship for young women who are just starting their educational career.  I want these young women to know someone is looking out for their best interests and life potential.  NIACC changed my life and I want to do the same for others.


Roger A. Dial Scholarship

In 2020, Mary K. Dial honored the memory of her husband, NIACC alum, Roger Dial '67 with a scholarship for students in the Industrial Systems Technology program. 


Roger and Leah Obrecht Scholarship

This scholarship is provided to increase educational opportunities for students in the Industrial Technology program. Roger and Leah Obrecht were inspired to help students by Dave Murphy, another generous supporter of NIACC. A farmer in the Mason City area, Roger always saw the value in working with one’s hands. Roger also put his hands to work as a volunteer with the Community Kitchen, feeing those in need. Early on he served two years in the United States Army. He met Leah later in life and the two were married in 1984 when Roger was 48. Leah enjoyed a 35 year career as a Home Economics teacher. She taught mostly in Nora Springs, Iowa and loved to see her students learn and succeed. Leah also served on the Community Kitchen Board, the St. John’s Episcopal Church vestry and was a member of the Mason City Garden Club. Together Leah and Roger enjoyed the outdoors, traveling, spending time with their dogs, dining out, the theater and tending to their acreage. Leah and Roger enjoyed twenty one years together before Leah passed away in 2005. Their legacy of giving to others will live on through the establishment of this scholarship.


Roger and Marie Pitman Memorial Scholarship

43118, 43808, 39413

Roger and Marie Pitman lived their entire lives in Mason City and both developed multiple sclerosis in mid-life. These two people chose not to be bitter but gave all they could to their family and others around them. To honor their parents’ memory, their children established this endowed scholarship fund. Applicants should be enrolled in medical or nursing curriculum (excluding chiropractic medicine, optometry, podiatry, psychology, and sociology). This scholarship award is based on academic achievement and need.


Roger Bang Memorial Business Scholarship

Longtime businessman, former Mayor of Mason City, and former Mason City Councilman, Roger Bang spent his life working and volunteering in the city he loved. Retired NIACC Visual Arts faculty and Roger’s wife, Peggy Bang thought a scholarship in Roger’s name was the best way to honor his memory. Upon his passing in 2022, Peggy established the Roger Bang Memorial Business Scholarship to assist a full-time NIACC student from the North Iowa counties of Cerro Gordo, Winnebago, or Worth. Roger was a Lake Mills High School graduate who lived and worked in those counties. 


Rollo C. Keithahn Memorial Scholarship

Liberal Arts Degree
39413, 43836, 43837, 43838, 43839, 43840, 43842, 43843, 43844, 43910

Lena Keithahn established this fund in 1984 in memory of Rollo C. Keithahn, a former history and economics teacher at Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor). Rollo’s sister, Luella Keithahn, later added to this fund through a trust and her own bequest, greatly increasing the number of awards available. Applicants must be from the NIACC service area who are enrolled in a prebaccalaureate course of study, possess an academic record showing the potential to succeed and demonstrate financial need.


Ron and Karen Knudtson Scholarship

Forest City High School, Klemme, Lake Mills
39413, 43813, 43820, 43823

Karen Knudtson has served on the NIACC Board of Directors since 1989. She and her husband Ron, long-time Mason City residents, created this scholarship in 2011. Preference for this scholarship is given to students from Ron's hometown of Lake Mills and Karen's hometown of Klemme, but the award is also available for students from Forest City.


Ron and Margaret Hoel Scholarship

Nora Springs, Rock Falls
43117, 43809, 39413, 43908

The Hoel family feels like NIACC gave them the base they needed for successful careers in education and industry (mining). Ron, a 1968 graduate of the College, and his wife, Margaret Hoel established this endowed scholarship. Their children are also NIACC graduates; Ryan in 1995 and Kelly in 1997. The Hoel’s are thrilled to provide this opportunity for students dedicated to advancing their lives and the lives of others. This scholarship was created to benefit a fulltime sophomore from Nora Springs or Rock Falls. Recipients must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher. Awards alternate between education and industrial technology majors.


Ronald L. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship

Ron Jenkins made a major impact on many people throughout his life. As a NIACC instructor and the head of their biology department for 35 years, Ron had a special way of making connections with others. He felt his NIACC colleagues were like family, and was both driven and fulfilled by the success of his students. Ron, his wife Linda, and children Brian and Angela, made a personal impact on one of Brian’s closest friends, Ward Isaacson.  Ward and his wife, Kathy (Clapsaddle) Isaacson ‘85, a NIACC alumni herself, found it fitting to honor a wonderful man and mentor by endowing a scholarship in his name. The Ronald L. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship will assist full-time NIACC nursing students who are graduates of Mason City High School or Newman Catholic High School.  This scholarship was created so Ron’s kindness and teachings will live on for those serving people in need.


Rosie Hussey Memorial Scholarship

In 2023, the family of Rosie Hussey established a term scholarship in her memory. Rosie was a leader in every sense of the word. 


Ruth Ann and Joe Loebach Nursing Scholarship

In 2024, Joe Loebach established two endowed scholarships, and the Ruth Ann Loebach Nursing Scholarship and the Joe and Ruth Ann Loebach Industrial Systems Technology Scholarship. Joe and Ruth Ann were very passionate about their fields of work. Joe was a farmer and electrician. Ruth Ann earned her nursing degree at Iowa Lakes Community College and also a degree in residential care management. The Nursing scholarship will assist NIACC students studying Associate Degree Nursing or Practical Nursing. A preference will be given to students who are parishioners from, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Bancroft, or St. Cecelia Catholic Church, Algona, or Divine Mercy St. Michael's Catholic Church, Whittemore. And to students who plan to work in residential care as a nurse.


Samantha Jo Vining Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Teresa Fenske established the Samantha Jo Vining Memorial Scholarship to honor their daughter Samantha who passed away in 2014.  Samantha was a 2nd year NIACC nursing student ready to take her state boards.  This scholarship will assist a 2nd year female nursing student.


Schaefer Building Trades Scholarship

Building Trades
43117, 39413

“There are many good employment opportunities here in Iowa, but those jobs will only go to people with the right training,” said Tom Schaefer, president of Henkel Construction. Tom and his wife, Linda, established this scholarship fund to encourage North Iowans to join the construction industry and improve their skills. Linda, a NIACC graduate, adds, “...we need to establish scholarships to assist NIACC students in achieving their goals; their education will impact their future and the future of North Iowa.” This scholarship is for students enrolled in NIACC’s Building Trades Program.


Schmidt Family Math Scholarship

NIACC retirees, Norm and Linda Schmidt of Mason City, have deep connections and loyalty to NIACC. The Schmidts endowed the Schmidt Family Math Scholarship to benefit NIACC students with math majors. The Schmidt Family Scholarship will assist students who graduate from the High School Equivalency Degree (HSED) program.  Norm Schmidt was a math instructor at NIACC from 1965 to 1997. Linda Schmidt was a section chair in the Adult Education / Community Services Division from 1971 to 1989.  The Schmidt’s three daughters all graduated from NIACC. The Schmidts believe that scholarships are an essential foundation as they encourage individuals to reflect on and strive for a well-rounded education. Scholarships also assist people in becoming future community members in good standing.


Schmidt Family Scholarship

NIACC retirees, Norm and Linda Schmidt of Mason City, have deep connections and loyalty to NIACC. The Schmidts endowed the Schmidt Family Math Scholarship to benefit NIACC students with math majors. The Schmidt Family Scholarship will assist students who graduate from the High School Equivalency Degree (HSED) program.  Norm Schmidt was a math instructor at NIACC from 1965 to 1997. Linda Schmidt was a section chair in the Adult Education / Community Services Division from 1971 to 1989.  The Schmidt’s three daughters all graduated from NIACC. The Schmidts believe that scholarships are an essential foundation as they encourage individuals to reflect on and strive for a well-rounded education. Scholarships also assist people in becoming future community members in good standing.


Schulting Family Scholarship

The family of Merlin "Merl" Schulting established the Schulting Family Scholarship in 2023. Merl passed away in 2022 and his family decided to assist NIACC nursing students in his memory. 


Senator Jack Kibbie Veterans Scholarship

Jack Kibbie, who retired from the Iowa Legislature in the spring of 2012, served in Korea as a tank commander during the Korean War and was awarded the Bronze Star. During the 1965 Iowa Legislature, Senator Kibbie sponsored the bill to create Iowa's community colleges. He is fondly referred to as the "Father of Community Colleges" in Iowa. Jack Kibbie of Emmetsburg, Iowa, served on the Iowa Lakes Community College Board for 17 years and was president for 10 of the years. This scholarship was established in 2012 by NIACC and the NIACC Foundation to honor Senator Kibbie and his service to Iowa and to his country.


Simon Estes Scholarship

vocal music
39413, 43157

This scholarship fund was created following Simon Estes’ appearance at NIACC. Following his Auditorium performance, over 200 North Iowans joined him at a VIP reception to support the establishment of this fund. Applicants must be talented vocal music performers.


Stan Harrison Memorial Scholarship

diesel technology

To honor the memory of the legacy of his father, Chad Harrison and Harrison Truck Centers has invested in an endowed scholarship for full-time students in the diesel technology program.  The Stan Harrison Memorial Scholarship was started in July of 2014. In 2020, Chad Harrison added automotive technology to the program criteria as well as it's current diesel technology program criteria.


Stellar Industries CTE Scholarship

During the 2020 National CTE Signing Day, Stellar Industries Inc., sponsored a CTE Scholarship for students studying Welding who signed their letter of intent fo attend NIACC.


Steneker Family Scholarship


Bill and Virginia Steneker established this fund in 1984. Bill influenced the lives of many young people through personal modeling and coaching during his years of teaching.


Steve and Cathie Schulz Scholarship

Steve and Cathie Schulz Scholarship
Lifelong educators Steve and Cathie Schulz established the Steve and Cathie Schulz Scholarship as a way to give back to NIACC, an institution that has provided significant opportunities for their family. Dr. Steve Schulz retired in 2024 after a decade of service as NIACC’s President. The Schulzes understand that scholarships have the power to transform lives and recognize that financial barriers are one of the greatest obstacles to completing a degree. The Steve and Cathie Schulz Scholarship will support a full-time NIACC student, with preference given to an athlete.


Sukup Manufacturing Scholarship

Sukup Manufacturing established the Sukup Manufacturing Scholarship in conjunction with the Advanced Manufacturing Symposium held in Sheffield, Iowa in 2014.  The scholarship will assist a full-time NIACC student who have attended the West Fork Industrial Technology Academy during high school through NIACC Career Link and major in Tool & Die, IST or Welding while at NIACC.


Swift Finance & Accounting Scholarship

finance accounting

 Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor) alum and the 2000 NIACC Outstanding alumnus, William “Bill” Swift ’63 chose to establish the Swift Finance & Accounting Scholarship in October of 2020. Swift, who became a vice president of finances and controller of operations for Ford Motor Co., graduated in 1963 and went to earn degrees at the University of Iowa in business administration and one in management from Stanford University. “I looked at Mason City Junior College to see if it would set me up for finance. It was spot on,” Swift said. “It gave me more confidence, knowledge and capability in finance and accounting. It was very focused and the instruction was great.” The Swift Finance & Accounting Scholarship will assist full time NIACC students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, seeking a degree in Finance and/or Accounting who plan to continue on to obtain a four year degree or higher.


Terry D. Reichardt Memorial Engineering Scholarship


The Terry D. Reichardt Memorial Engineering Scholarship was established in 1979 by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Reichardt. Preference is given to NIACC students studying engineering or pre-engineering.


The Brody Vaught Scholarship

In 2021 Brad and Brenda Vaught established a scholarship in honor of their son Brody. The Brody Vaught Scholarship is an Ambassador scholarship and will assist a recent NIACC alum (within one year of graduation), who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in education, specializing in special education, and will be a classroom teacher.


The Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. Scholarship

38955, 43800, 39413, 43908

The Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. established this scholarship fund to assist NIACC students in meeting their career goals. Multiple scholarships will be awarded to full-time NIACC sophomore students majoring in Business related fields with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.  *********


Tom and Judy Oswald Scholarship

education nursing healthcare

Tom and Judy Oswald established a scholarship in their name for full-time NIACC students studying education and nursing. 


Tom Thoma Memorial Scholarship

In 2024, friends of NIACC Hall of Fame Alumni, Tom Thoma ' 69 funded the Tom Thoma Memorial Scholarship after he passed. Tom Thomas was a big supporter of NIACC Athletics, and all of NIACC. 


Tom Wedeking Memorial Scholarship

Sophmore, Automotive, Climate Control, Industrial Systems Technology, Industrial Technology, Tool & Die
43117, 39413, 43908

The family of Tom Wedeking established this fund as a memorial to him in 1993. Wedeking believed that with good technical training, a keen desire to learn and a strong work ethic, an individual has great potential for success. He often urged his daughters and fellow employees to “always give 110 percent to any task.” Applicants must be NIACC students who have successfully completed one year of any program in the Industrial Technology area, possess a desire to learn how things work, and have an acceptable, not necessarily superior, academic standing.


Trane Iowa HVAC Scholarship

full-time Heating and Air Conditioning

During a presentation to NIACC heating and air conditioning technology students in the spring of 2014, Halvorson Trane Company’s Service Operations Manager, Steve Crocker saw first-hand the wonderful program that is offered to students studying in the field.  “After touring the facilities, I was impressed with the facility and equipment, the curriculum of the program, and the excellent faculty, all of this program is a first class operation.” Crocker shared. “By establishing a scholarship for 2nd year students studying in this field, we have a chance to recruit individuals to become our employees and they’ll come with a good education.”  The Halvorson Trane HVAC Scholarship is $500 scholarship for a 2nd year student in the Heating and Air Conditioning Technology Program.  Crocker serves on the NIACC Advisory Board Committee for the Heating and Air Conditioning Technology department. In 2019 the scholarship name was changed to Trane Des Moines HVAC Scholarship.


TRiO Student Support Services Merit Scholarship

SSS Merit Scholarship scholarship was established through the NIACC Foundation for students who are a current, active SSS participant.


Virginia M. Lease Scholarship

Virginia Lease was a firm believer in the power of education and the importance of applying knowledge to benefit others. Following a nursing career in the Navy and then with Mercy Hospital, she spent many years as part of the teaching faculty in the NIACC nursing program. Virginia made a life-long commitment to help others through becoming a nurse, teaching nursing students, and making an estate gift to NIACC for a nursing scholarship. Virginia’s children, Karen Lease, Jeffrey Lease ‘81, and Suzanne Lease fulfilled their mother’s wish by establishing the Virginia M. Lease Scholarship. The scholarship will assist full-time NIACC students studying nursing.


Ward D. Harrison Memorial Scholarship


A 1930 graduate (and quarterback of the football team), Dr. Harrison started this fund in 1984. After attending Mason City Junior College (NIACC’s predecessor), he went on to earn his Ph.D. and purchased Howard Paper Mills Inc. in 1972. In addition to an extraordinary professional career, Dr. Harrison devoted much of his time to educational and charitable organizations.


Wayne and Barb Opheim Family Scholarship

Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Wrestling
39413, 43152, 43157, 43161, 43162, 43164, 43165, 43166, 43168, 43169, 43170, 43171, 43824

The Wayne and Barb Opheim Family Scholarship was created to provide Mason City High School (MCHS) graduates the opportunity to continue their education at NIACC. Wayne Opheim taught accounting at NIACC for 22 years, and his wife, Barbara, taught at MCHS for 30 years. Their four children – Gena, Doug, Teresa and Joan – all graduated from the College; Doug played baseball and Teresa was a member of the NIACC Singers and orchestra. “NIACC has served our family well,” said Doug Opheim, creator of the scholarship who works as an executive with RSM McGladrey, Inc., in Minneapolis. “We hope this scholarship helps other students take advantage of all NIACC has to offer.” The award is designated for a MCHS graduate with a minimum 3.25 GPA who has been active in athletics or music.


Wayne Opheim and Fred Humphrey Honorarium Scholarship

Accounting Business Athlete

In 2020, NIACC alum, Dan Thomas '79 endowed the Wayne Opheim and Fred Humphrey Honorarium Scholarship to honor two instructors impacting his life as well as thousands of other NIACC students over their careers as business and accounting educators. The scholarship will assist Area 2 students studying at NIACC full-time in business or accounting. The scholarship has a potential to be renewable for a second year, if students continue to meet academic progress standards. Students must reapply for consideration of second year award.


Wells Fargo Bank Ambassador Scholarship

NIACC Graduate

This scholarship was established in 1986 by Wells Fargo Bank of Mason City. Two scholarships are awarded each year. At least one scholarship is given as an Ambassador Scholarship to a NIACC graduate going on to a four-year institution.


Wells Fargo Bank Scholarship


This scholarship was established in 1986 by Wells Fargo Bank of Mason City.


Wempen Family Scholarship

Clear Lake High School, Criminal Justice, Education
39413, 43818

Dick and Rita Wempen created this endowed scholarship in 2007 to acknowledge their family’s relationship with NIACC and an overall appreciation of education. Dick and Rita made careers in education, as Dick a counselor at NIACC for 32 years, and Rita taught elementary music in Clear Lake. The Wempen’s three children graduated from Clear Lake High School and NIACC and pursued professional careers in education and law enforcement. This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate of Clear Lake High School. Applicants must be in the top half of their class. Preference is given to students majoring in education or law enforcement and students who are involved in extra-curricular activities.


Wilbert and Luella Brandau Scholarship

Marble Rock, Nora Springs, Osage, Rock Falls, Rockford, Rudd

Wilbert ‘Web’ Brandau and his wife, Luella, were longtime supporters of education and especially NIACC. Web generously donated his time to the College by volunteering for 34 years, serving as a College Trustee from 1966 to 1986 and a Foundation Director from 1986 to 2000. As a way to honor their parent’s dedication to the College, Web and Luella’s children established this endowed scholarship to benefit students from the area in which we served. Students with a 3.0 GPA or higher from Osage, Rudd, Rockford, Marble Rock, Nora Springs and Rock Falls are eligible for this annual award. Web strongly believed that education allows communities to grow and prosper. This scholarship is a testament to the Brandau’s belief in local, affordable education.


Will F. Muse Scholarship

Upon the death of Elizabeth Muse Norris  a large part of her estate was given to the Lee Endowment Foundation for the formation of the Will F. Muse Scholarship.  Will Muse was Elizabeth's father who purchased the Globe Gazette with along with another business partner in 1898.  Will Muse remained Editor and Publisher of the Globe Gazette until his death in 1931.  Elizabeth embraced philantrophy and vowed to continue use the endowment built by her father to help others.This scholarship is funded to keep the memory of the Muse family alive and to assist worthwhile community programs.  NIACC students from Mason City and Cerro Gordo county aware awarded every year for academics, good moral character and need.


William Georgou Memorial Scholarship

43809, 39413

William Georgou established this scholarship in his estate planning as a memorial scholarship in his name to assist students who plan to become teachers in any field who have demonstrated a combination of academic achievement and extracurricular activities, the skills needed to both educate and motivate future generations of children.


Wood Ag and Skilled Trades Scholarship

Agriculture Skilled Trades Industrial

Laura Wood established the Wood Business Scholarship in the fall of 2011. Laura is a long time employee of the College and currently serves as the Chair of the NIACC Business Division. This term scholarship will benefit a second year NIACC student who is majoring in ag or skilled trades. In 2021, Laura took the position of Chair of the Ag & Skilled Trades Division and renamed her scholarship to Wood Ag and Skilled Trades Scholarship. 


Ziegler CAT Scholarship

Ziegler CAT Diesel Technology Internship

In 2018, Ziegler CAT funded the Ziegler CAT Scholarship to assist NIACC students studying in the Diesel Technology program. The scholarship gives preference to students who intern with the company.

